Oreberries Mod 1.12.2 (Tinkers’ Construct Oreberries)
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July 22, 2019
Oreberries Mod 1.12.2 brings back a configurable version of 1.7.10 Tinkers’ Construct oreberries to newer version of Minecraft. This mod has two configuration files: oreberries.json, where types of oreberries are defined, and oreberries.cfg, where you can control growth chances, bonemeal ability, and tinker villagers. This mod does not depend on Tinkers’ Construct, but it does integrate with it if present.
Tinkers’ Construct added oreberries in 1.7.10, but they dropped this feature when they moved to newer versions of Minecraft. This mod brings back oreberries and their associated content, and makes them much more configurable than they used to be.
How to install:
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Oreberries Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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