Elemental Pets Mod 1.12.2 (Ride and Travel Your World)
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October 21, 2018
Elemental Pets Mod 1.12.2 adds new kinds of pets, every pet might have own unique ability and fighting style as well. Ride and travel through world by riding fireball shooting fire beasts, transform enemies in to stone by using Stone Beasts powers and drown enemies by using water elementals.
Wooden Golem:
- Has 30 health and will deal 5 damage per hit.
- Will die on contact with fire.
- Has resistance to almost all negative buffs.
- Can be healed by using sticks.
- Will drop oak logs and coal when burning on death.
- Currently can only spawn from wooden orb.
Water Elemental:
- Has 30 health and will deal 5 damage per hit + 5 bonus damage from water burst attack.
- Will spawn water bursts from the ground, that will deal 5 magic damage per hit.
- Has resistance to almost all negative buffs.
- Has immunity from fire.
- Can be healed by using water buckets.
- Currently can only spawn from water orb.
Fire Beast:
- Has 60 health and will deal 12 damage per hit and bonus fire damage as well.
- Can be ridden by player.
- Will sometimes hurl giant fireballs at his enemies.
- Will drop magma blocks on death.
- Can be healed by using fire charges.
- Currently can only spawn from fire orb.
Lightning Spirit:
- Has 80 health and will deal 2.5 damage per hit + explosion damage.
- Has ability fly and glide.
- Is immune to fireballs and explosions.
- Can be healed by using glowstone dust.
- Currently can only spawn from lightning orb.
Stone Beast:
- Has 120 health and 20 armor points, will deal 1-20 damage per hit.
- Sometimes will spit at enemies(When mob that was hit by spit, will have less than 5 health it will be turned into stone block).
- Has knockback resistance and will absorb 80% of taken damage.
- Has resistance to almost all negative buffs.
- Can be healed by using coal.
- Currently can only spawn from stone orb.
How to install:
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Elemental Pets Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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