TukMC Mod is a HUD mod based on and inspired by the World of Warcraft addon tukui





Installing Forge:

  • Open your Minecraft launcher.
  • Open the “Options” menu near the “login” button
  • Use the link in the Options menu to open the .minecraft directory
  • Navigate to the bin folder.
  • Open minecraft.jar and the Forge version you downloaded with appropriate archive software. (i.e WinRAR, 7-Zip)
  • Drag all contents from Forge into the minecraft.jar
  • Delete the META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar
  • Close both minecraft.jar and Forge download.
  • Go back to the .minecraft directory.

Installing VazCore:

  • While inside the .minecraft directory, create a new folder titled “mods”, assuming there isn’t one already.
  • Drag and drop the entire VazCore .zip file into the mods folder. (Do not extract the contents of the .zip)


  • Drag and drop TukMC Mod.zip file into the mods folder. (Do not extract the contents of the .zip

Download Links for TukMC Mod:


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