Youtuber Blocks Mod 1.7.10
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August 26, 2016
Youtuber Blocks Mod 1.7.10. Craft your favorite youtubers in Minecraft.
Step On or Right Click the Blocks to get Effects From your Favorite Youtubers.
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
Just Find Youtuber Ore:
Then Surround an Item in a Crafting Table with the Youtube Essence:
- PopularMMOs: Diamond Block
- SkydoesMinecraft: Gold Block
- Yogscast Simon: Cookie
- Yogscast Lewis: Book
- Yogscast Sips: Dirt
- Yogscast Sjin: Diamond Hoe
- Yogscast Duncan: Piston
- Munchingbrotato: Potato
- TheDiamondMinecart: Minecart
- CaptainSparklez: Nether Star
- Deadlox: Bone
- MinecraftUniverse: Raw Porkchop
- VideoMakerGuy: Diamond Pickaxe
- Sethbling: Redstone Block
- AntVenom: Spider Eye
- ASFJerome: Wool
- BajanCanadian: Bow
- Bashur: Melon
- CavemanFilms: Stone
- Notch: Golden Apple
- Sarc: Redstone Repeater
- SSundee: Iron Sword
- Stampy: Bucket of Milk
- ThnxCya: Note Block
- Tobuscus: Diamond Sword
- Dartron: Diamond Chestplate
- TCTNGaming: Blaze Powder
- ChimneySwift: Bricks
- ZexyZek: TNT
- Bodil40: Leaves
- PauseUnPause: Boat
- Hypixel: Stone Bricks
- AviatorGaming: Gunpowder
- NoahCraftFTW: Flint and Steel
- Gizzy14Gazza: Raw Beef
- BebopVox: Diamond
- SeaNanners: Bucket of Water
- IHasCupquake: Cake
- JackerTud: Item Frame
- Yogscast Martyn: Sappling
- Annoying Orange: Apple
- iBallisticSquid: Ink Sac
- ACTennisAC: Redstone Torch
- Etho: Rotten Flesh
- Dragonz: Redstone
- Lanceypooh: Iron Pickaxe
- SCMowns: Steak
- SuperGirlyGamer: Lava Bucket
- Gold Solace: Gold Ingot
- TheAtlanticCraft: Water Bottle
- Ashley Mariee: Snowball
- Aureylian: Pink Dye
- BigBadManPig: Cooked Porkchop
- BlueBayou: Lapis
- BlueMonkey: Blue Wool
- CraftyGarrett: Crafting Table
- Direwolf20: Compass
- ExplodingTNT: TNT Minecart
- Game Chap: Glass Pane
- Generikb: String
- GhostGaming: Ghast Tear
- Guude: Cat
- Hat Films: Golden Helmet
- ItsJerryandHarry: Lever
- KermitPlaysMC: Cactus
- LittleLizardGaming: Green Wool
- Lotdotzip: Cobblestone
- Markiplier: Torch
- Paulsoaresjr: Iron Ore
- Setosorcerer: Magma Cream
- Sevadus: Paper
- Slamacow: Stained Hardened Clay
- SubZeroExtabyte: Stained Glass
- Syndicate: Wooden Sword
- TheCampingRusher: Wooden Planks
- TheMiningMovies: Diamond Ore
- ThinkNoodles: Stick
- Weedlion: Reeds
- Wipper178: White Wool
- Woofless: Cooked Steak
- xRpMx13: Arrow
You can also craft the Honorable Mentions Block which shows some of my favorite starting youtubers. To craft it, just fill a crafting table with youtuber essence.
The Honorable Mentions Block includes:
- Calitherolls
- Devine Darkness
- The Sploochers
- Werty
- The Mr.RpgLife
- TheXenvex
Honorable Mention Block #2(The Middle Item is Youtuber Ore):
- Dommbuscus
- Drogonsleigher
- MinimiteDoesMC
- TyneCraft
- jbyoda
- TBone105Presents
How to install Youtuber Blocks Mod 1.7.10
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.
Download Links for Youtuber Blocks Mod 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.6.4
For 1.7.10, 1.7.2
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