Maniacheto’s Elemental Mod
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September 18, 2016
Maniacheto’s Elemental Mod is bassed on Elementals(Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark-Shadow)
This mod adds:
- Lava Armor
- Ice Armor
- Earth Armor
- Dark Armor
- Lava Sword
- Ice Sword
- Earth Sword
- Dark Sword
- Unusual Sword
- LavaGem Ore
- IceGem Ore
- EarthGem Ore
- DarkGem Ore
4.Solid Blocks:
- LavaGem Solid Block
- IceGem Solid Block
- EarthGem Solid Block
- DarkGem Solid Block
- Elemental Donut
- Red Essence
- Blue Essence
- Brown Essence
- Black Essence
- Unusual Essence
- Elemental Wand
- Elemental Wand-Fire
- Elemental Wand-Water
8.Elemental Stick:
- Elemental Stick
9.Gems(Drops from Ores)
- Lava Gem
- Ice Gem
- Earth Gem
- Dark Gem
9.Potions(All have same crafting Recipe as /LavaPotion/)
- Lava Potion(Fire Resistance)
- Ice Potion(Water Breathing)
- Earth Potion(Movement Speed)
- Dark Potion(Night Vision)
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark Helmets:
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark ChestPlates:
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark Leggins:
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark Boots:
-Elemental Stick
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark Sword:
-Lava,Ice,Earth,Dark Solid Block:
-Elemental Wand:
-Elemental Wand-Fire:
-Elemental Wand-Water:
-Red,Black,Blue,Brown Essences:
-Unusual Essence:
-Unusual Sword:
-Lava Potion:
-Elemental Donut:
- This mod Alot of stuff including 3 Wands.The Original Wand Control the Weather.
- The Fire Wand create and spread Fire and The Water Wand create water.
- Elemental Donuts are the Food in This Mod.
- The Most Powerful Weapon is Unusual Sword crafted with Unusual Essences
And Added Cool New Biome
And Added Cool New Biome(Zero Zone)
- Install Modloader
- Delete Meta-INF
- Open the .zip/.rar/folder of your mod and drag and drop the contents into the minecraft.jar.
Download Links for Maniacheto’s Elemental Mod:
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