AdvancedRegionMarket Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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September 15, 2022
AdvancedRegionMarket Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) allows server admins to create sell and rent signs for worldguard regions, which users can click to buy or rent the linked region. It also has many features which help users manage their bought regions and find new ones.
- Sell regions – Admins can create signs which can be clicked to buy a region permanently
- Rent regions – Admins can create signs which can be clicked to rent a region.
- – They can be clicked again to extend the rent time
- – Admins can set a maximum rent time so users can’t rent a specific region for more than X days at once
- Admins can create regionkinds and allocate them to a region. Users can now search a free region of this kind
- Admins can define an autoprice in the config to let ARM calculate the price of a region by it’s size
- Permissions
- Region owners can (if they have permission) reset their region (blocks) via GUI. Admins can set a Cooldown for this in the config
- Region owners can add ((and remove) members to their region
- Region owners can make members to owners
- Admins can set permissions to allow only specific groups to buy specific regionkinds
- Admins can enable an option which resets a region if the owner has not been online for a specific amount of days. (Bungee support)
- – Can be disabled for specific regions by admins
- Admins can enable an option which allows members of a region to take over a region if the admin has not been online for a specific amount of days. (Bungee support)
- – Members will see a GUI if they can take over a region
- Plugin is compatible with “Fast Async WorldEdit” for faster region regeneration
- Admins can set a option to a region, so members and owners of it can only build new blocks and only remove blocks they have build (good for Hotels)
- All messages are fully customizable via config
- Admins can define groups to set limits and assign them to players.
- Members can sell their regions back to the server.
- A dynamic GUI that will only show the options a player has permission for.
- Players can (if they have permission) teleport them to a region. ARM can set a point where players will be teleported to automatically or an admin can set a new point
- Admins can define presets that can be loaded and applied to every region they define. This allows a faster region setup
- Autocompleter for commands
- Admins can see how many regions are available (per graph)
- Admins can define presets that can be loaded and applied to every region they define. This allows a faster setup of the regions
- Members can create, manage and sell a specific amount of subregions, that can be set by the admin
- Sign-Linking-Mode that allows the create new regions in seconds
- Mass actions. Admins can change settings for a complete group of regions
- EntityLimits. You can decide how many and which entities can be spawned on a region
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
AdvancedRegionMarket Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.12 to Minecraft Bukkit 1.16
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