AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.12.2) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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August 24, 2022
AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.12.2) is the most famous and used /login|/register plugin!
- E-Mail Recovery System!
- Playername spoof protection
- Countries Selection! (countries codes)
- AntiBot Features!
- Protection against “Logged in from another location” messages
- Two-factor (2FA) support!
- Login sessions
- Editable settings & messages
- MySQL and SQLITE support
- Supported hash algorithms: Available Hash Algorithms
- Supports tons of CMS! (Website integration)
- Custom MySQL tables/columns (useable for forums, other scripts)
- Database queries can be cached
- Compatible with NPC and CombatTag plugins
- Account restriction through IP and name
- Permissions group switching on un-logged-in
- Different permission group for Registered and unRegistered users
- Support for permissions onJoin with transient vault system
- Cache on file for all inventories and enchants for un-logged-in players
- Save Quit location to prevent loss of position
- Possible to use without a Permissions plugin
- Automatic backup system of all your user password data
- Default Language Style: en, de, br, cz, pl, fr, ru, hu, sk, es, zhtw, fi, zhcn, nl, and others! (feel free to send me new translations)
- Convert SQLite to an usefull authme.sql that you can import on a MySQL database!
- Import your database from Rakamak, xAuth, CrazyLogin, RoyalAuth, vAuth !
The following are the permission nodes that are currently supported by the latest dev builds.
- authme.admin.* – Give access to all admin commands.
- authme.admin.accounts – Administrator command to see all accounts associated with a user.
- authme.admin.antibotmessages – Permission to see Antibot messages.
- authme.admin.backup – Allows to use the backup command.
- authme.admin.changemail – Administrator command to set or change the email address of a user.
- authme.admin.changepassword – Administrator command to change the password of a user.
- authme.admin.converter – Administrator command to convert old or other data to AuthMe data.
- authme.admin.firstspawn – Administrator command to teleport to the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.forcelogin – Administrator command to force-login an existing user.
- authme.admin.getemail – Administrator command to get the email address of a user, if set.
- authme.admin.getip – Administrator command to get the last known IP of a user.
- authme.admin.lastlogin – Administrator command to see the last login date and time of a user.
- authme.admin.purge – Administrator command to purge old user data.
- authme.admin.purgebannedplayers – Administrator command to purge all data associated with banned players.
- authme.admin.purgelastpos – Administrator command to purge the last position of a user.
- authme.admin.purgeplayer – Administrator command to purge a given player.
- authme.admin.register – Administrator command to register a new user.
- authme.admin.reload – Administrator command to reload the plugin configuration.
- authme.admin.seeotheraccounts – Permission to see the other accounts of the players that log in.
- authme.admin.seerecent – Administrator command to see the last recently logged in players.
- authme.admin.setfirstspawn – Administrator command to set the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.setspawn – Administrator command to set the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.spawn – Administrator command to teleport to the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.switchantibot – Administrator command to toggle the AntiBot protection status.
- authme.admin.totpdisable – Administrator command to disable the two-factor auth of a user.
- authme.admin.totpviewstatus – Administrator command to see whether a player has enabled two-factor authentication.
- authme.admin.unregister – Administrator command to unregister an existing user.
- authme.admin.updatemessages – Permission to use the update messages command.
- authme.allowchatbeforelogin – Permission to send chat messages before being logged in.
- authme.allowmultipleaccounts – Permission to be able to register multiple accounts.
- authme.bypassantibot – Permission node to bypass AntiBot protection.
- authme.bypassbungeesend – Permission node to bypass BungeeCord server teleportation.
- authme.bypasscountrycheck – Permission to bypass the GeoIp country code check.
- authme.bypassforcesurvival – Permission for users to bypass force-survival mode.
- authme.bypasspurge – Permission to bypass the purging process.
- authme.debug.command – General permission to use the /authme debug command.
- – Permission to use the country lookup section.
- authme.debug.db – Permission to view data from the database.
- – Permission to view permission groups.
- authme.debug.limbo – Permission to use the limbo data viewer.
- authme.debug.mail – Permission to use the test email sender.
- authme.debug.mysqldef – Permission to change nullable status of MySQL columns.
- authme.debug.perm – Permission to use the permission checker.
- authme.debug.spawn – Permission to view spawn information.
- authme.debug.stats – Permission to use the stats section.
- authme.debug.valid – Permission to use sample validation.
- authme.player.* – Permission to use all player (non-admin) commands.
- authme.player.canbeforced – Permission for users a login can be forced to.
- authme.player.captcha – Command permission to use captcha.
- authme.player.changepassword – Command permission to change the password.
- – Grants all email permissions.
- – Command permission to add an email address.
- – Command permission to change the email address.
- – Command permission to recover an account using its email address.
- – Command permission to see the own email address.
- authme.player.login – Command permission to login.
- authme.player.logout – Command permission to logout.
- – Permission that enables on join quick commands checks for the player.
- authme.player.register – Command permission to register.
- – Permission to use the email verification codes feature.
- authme.player.seeownaccounts – Permission to use to see own other accounts.
- authme.player.totpadd – Permission to enable two-factor authentication.
- authme.player.totpremove – Permission to disable two-factor authentication.
- authme.player.unregister – Command permission to unregister.
- – When the server is full and someone with this permission joins the server, someone will be kicked.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft Bukkit 1.12
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