Botania Tweaks Mod 1.12.2 (Just Too Much Tweaks)
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September 30, 2021
Botania Tweaks Mod 1.12.2 is a mod that patches up Botania. Inside, there’s quality-of-life tweaks, configurability tweaks, tweaks for modpack makers, silly tweaks, and more!
Balance Tweaks
- Set the passive decay timer to anything you want… as long as it’s shorter than the default value.
- Choose additional flowers to experience passive decay. Even flowers that aren’t passive!
- Nerf or buff the FE output of the Mana Fluxfield, to match your modpack’s FE ecosystem.
- Force the Orechid to run with Garden of Glass costs, even in normal worlds. This is really OP btw.
- Buff the mana output of the Spectrolus flower.
- Buff the mana output of the Rosa Arcana, when it picks up XP orbs.
- Nerf or buff the mana output from manastorm charges.
- Make the Entropinnyum flower only accept vanilla TNT.
- Make the Entropinnyum flower reject TNT from a TNT duplicator device.
- Reduce the price of the flint-to-gunpowder recipe, for nefarious Entropinnyum cobbleworks purposes.
- “Advanced Mode” Crafty Crate: make the crafty crate use mana, in a strange way.
- “Advanced Hard Mode” Crafty Crate: very strict mana input requirements; extremely difficult to automate without wasting tons of mana.
Packmaker Tweaks
- “Unlock” the petal apothecary, allowing any items to be accepted in your recipes.
- Create your own Terrestrial Agglomeration recipes, with custom multiblocks, particle colors, and even multiblock transformations. JEI support included!
- Create your own Lexica Botania pages for these custom agglomeration recipes.
- Use NBT-aware item matching logic in the Petal Apothecary and Runic Altar.
- Change the size of the Guilty Mana Pool.
- Two advancement triggers that all players will earn once a certain amount of mana has been generated, with an optional restriction as to the flower type.
- Enable the “click on the water to create water bowls” mechanic, even without needing a Garden of Glass world.
Stupid Tweaks
- Potted Tiny Potato. You can put the tiny potato in a flower pot. It’s very cute.
- Galactic Potato. It’s an octuple compressed tiny potato. A whole meter wide, and rainbow color. Also very cute.
- Sheep can eat custom Botania grasses like they can with regular grass.
Quality of Life Tweaks
- Automate crafting Ender Air, with a Dispenser in the End dimension.
- Automatically place Corporea Sparks and decorate them with Floral Powder, when you place blocks like corporea funnels, corporea crystal cubes, etc. Never forget a Corporea Spark again!
Mod Compat Tweaks
- If Avaritia is present, a Dire Crafty Crate will be added: it’s a nine-by-nine Crafty Crate, able to craft all your favorite Extreme Crafting Recipes.
- If Extended Crafting is present, four Extended Crafty Crates will be made available: ranging from 3×3 all the way to 9×9, they are able to craft all your favorite Extended Crafting Table recipes.
- Tweaks that work on all functional flowers from Botania also work on the Petro Petunia from Floralchemy.
All tweaks default to off unless enabled in the config.
Compressed Tiny Potato
Entropinnyum TNT Duplication Prevention
JEI Agglomeration
Automate Ender Air with a dispenser
Potted Potato?
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