Cavernous Delight Mod (1.20.1) is a comprehensive addition to Minecraft that focuses on expanding and enhancing the underground exploration aspect of the game. Developed by dedicated modders, this mod introduces a variety of features aimed at providing players with new challenges, resources, and discoveries as they venture into the depths of the earth. From new biomes and creatures to unique structures and artifacts, Cavernous Delight Mod offers an immersive and rewarding experience for players looking to explore the underground world of Minecraft.


  • Expanded Underground Biomes: The core feature of Cavernous Delight Mod is the introduction of new underground biomes that players can explore. From vast caverns and winding tunnels to underground lakes and volcanic chambers, each biome offers its own unique environment, resources, and challenges for players to overcome.
  • New Creatures and Enemies: The mod introduces new creatures and enemies that players may encounter as they explore the underground world. From fearsome cave trolls and venomous spiders to elusive cave bats and ancient guardians, players will need to be on their guard as they navigate the dark and treacherous depths.
  • Rare Resources and Artifacts: Cavernous Delight Mod adds rare resources and artifacts that players can discover and collect in the underground biomes. These resources may include valuable ores, precious gems, and ancient relics that can be used to craft powerful weapons, armor, and tools. Players must carefully explore and mine the underground world to uncover these hidden treasures.
  • Unique Structures and Features: The mod introduces unique structures and features that add depth and variety to the underground environment. From ancient ruins and abandoned mineshafts to mysterious underground cities and forgotten temples, players will encounter a wide range of structures that offer rewards and challenges for those brave enough to explore them.

Commands and Permissions:

  • /cavernousdelight: This command serves as the primary interface for accessing the mod’s features and functionalities. Players can use it to teleport to specific underground biomes, view information about rare resources and artifacts, and access other mod-related commands and options.
  • /cavernousdelight give [player]: Server administrators or players with appropriate permissions can use this command to give mod-related items or resources to themselves or other players.
  • Permissions: Server administrators can configure permissions using plugins like LuckPerms or PermissionsEx to control access to Cavernous Delight Mod features and commands.



How to install:

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Cavernous Delight Mod (1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft  1.20.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1

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