CommandNPC Plugin (1.12.2) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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August 26, 2022
CommandNPC Plugin (1.12.2) is a plugin inspired by the server Mineplex, which adds a new function to NPCs. It allows users to run commands by simply right clicking on a Citizens NPC.
Commands and Permissions
To set up the npc with the commands you need the permission ‘commandnpc.admin’
- /npc cmdadd [-c console] [-o Op] [-r random] [-i ignorePermMsg] [-l ignoreMoneyMsg] [–v price] [–t clickType] [–d delay] [–cd cooldown] [–p custom.permission.node] <command…> – Add a command to be executed upon clicking the selected NPC.
- The -c flag runs the command through the console.The -o flag runs the command as an op.
- The -r flag picks a random command and executes that one command only.
- The -i flag when true, noPerm message doesn’t send
- The -l flag when true, noMoney message doesn’t send
- The –v flag charges the player the specified amount, when running the command. (Numeric with decimal)
- The –p flag requires the player to have the specified permission.
- The –d flag is the amount of ticks that the command will be delayed by. (Integer input)
- The –cd flag is a cooldown for the command in ticks. (20 ticks in a second)
- The –t flag sets the clickType(‘left’, ‘right’, or ‘both’) | This will default to the global setting in config.yml
- /npc cmdinfo [id] – Gets various information about all the NPC commands
- If you include the command ‘id’ it will only show information for that command.
- You get the ‘id’ from using the ‘cmdinfo’ command
- /npc cmdremove <id> – Removes a specific command
- You get the ‘id’ from using the ‘cmdinfo’ command
- /npc cmdset <id> [-c console] [-o Op] [-r random] [-m cdMsg] [-i ignorePermMsg] [-l ignoreMoneyMsg] [–v price] [–t clickType] [–d delay] [–cd cooldown] [–p custom.permission.node] [command | cdMsg…] – Set various variables for the command
- The -c flag runs the command through the console. (This will toggle between true/false)
- The -o flag runs the command as an op. (This will toggle between true/false)
- The -r flag picks a random command and executes that one command only.
- The -m flag is when you have a cooldown amount specified. When the player is in a cooldown and attempt to use the NPC, it will send them this message. (Usage: /npc cmdset -m [cdMsg…]) Note: When using other flags the cdMsg as to be the last things within the command.
- The -i flag when true, noPerm message doesn’t send
- The -l flag when true, noMoney message doesn’t send
- The –v flag charges the player the specified amount, when running the command. (Numeric with decimal)
- The –p flag requires the player to have the specified permission.
- The –d flag is the amount of ticks that the command will be delayed by. (Integer input)
- The –cd flag is a cooldown for the command in ticks. (20 ticks in a second)
- The –t flag sets the clickType (‘left’, ‘right’, or ‘both’)
You get the ‘id’ from using the ‘cmdinfo’ command
- /npc cmdreset – Remove all commands from the selected NPC.
- You can use ‘%name’ in commands as a placeholder for the user who is clicking the NPC.
- This plugin now supports a BungeeCord command. You may now use ‘server <serverName>‘ to teleport people between servers!
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
CommandNPC Plugin (1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft Bukkit 1.12
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