CoterieCraft Rebirth Resource Pack 1.13.2, 1.12.2 for Minecraft was first created back in 2014 with the goal to provide a new experience in contrast to those that only wanted a better default. Despite having initial positive reception among the Minecraft community, Coterie Craft RPG would later disappoint people since people did not expect Coterie Craft RPG to be an entirely separate pack that would be given a completely different look along with the fact that it was using a 16x version of Doku’s RPG textures as a base. Later the pack would be renamed Valkyrie to distinguish itself from Coterie, but the name failed to catch on since the pack stopped receiving updates shortly after the name change. Doku’s textures along with textures from many other artists have been completely removed to make a pack that was supposed to do what Valkyrie/Coterie Craft RPG was supposed to do in the start, provides a fresh experience to those that came to Coterie’s thread wanting more than a just new default. Whereas Coterie Craft’s purpose was to give default Minecraft a new and improved look, Rebirth’s goal is to provide players with an eye-pleasing retro-influenced texture pack that takes its users back to the days of old consoles and home computers without having to make sacrifices or limitations within the color that those systems had. Everything from the terrain, item sprites, and GUI will be modified to accommodate the retro feel.

CoterieCraft Resource Pack


CoterieCraft Rebirth Resource Pack Screenshots 1

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How to install:

CoterieCraft Rebirth Resource Pack 1.13.2, 1.12.2 Download Links

for Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2

Download from Server 1

for Minecraft 1.13.2

Download from Server

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