Crackshot Guns Resource Pack
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August 2, 2016
About Crackshot Guns Resource Pack
Crackshot Guns resource pack retextures many items such as the hoes and such, so that your gameplay on the FusionCraft server will be enhanced.
With this texturepack almost all the features of Crackshot are included such as c4’s, snipers, machineguns, rpgs, and other miscellaneous things.
IP to fusioncraft: Fusion.Mine.Bz
We hope that you will enjoy this new texturepack and visit our server to use guns!
How to install Crackshot Guns Pack?
- Download the resource pack.
- Open Minecraft, and go to Options->Resource Packs->Open Resource Packs Folder.
- Drag the zip file you downloaded into that folder.
- Select the pack, and you’re done!
Download links for Crackshot Guns Pack
for Minecraft 1.9.X
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