DeathTeleport Plugin (1.19.1) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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August 29, 2022
DeathTeleport Plugin (1.19.1) teleports you to the location of your last death when you execute the command.
- Adds a /back command which teleports the user to their last death location.
- Adds a /back [player_name] command that teleports the user specified at their last death location.
- Sends a message to a player that dies with their coordinates.
- Sends a message to all players when a player dies with their coordinates.
- Auto teleportation to last death location (OFF by default) after a selected amount of time. Can be cancelled by /canceltp.
Every feature can be customized through the config.yml file.
- /back: teleports to last death location.
- /back [player_name]: teleports the selected player to their last death location.
- /deathteleport: enables or disables the plugin.
- /autotp: enables or disables the auto teleportation after death. Equivalent to editing the doAutoTeleportToDeathLocation property in the config file. Does not require reloading the plugin.
- /autotp [delay]: changes the delay before auto-teleporting to last death location. Equivalent to editing the autoTeleportToDeathLocationDelay property in the config file. Does not require reloading the plugin.
- /canceltp: cancels automatic teleportation
- usebackcommand: Players with this permission can run the /back command.
- usebackcommandforothers: Players with this permission can run the /back [player_name] command.
All configuration options are located in the config.yml file. Example: hasToBeOperator: true
- hasToBeOperator: If true only server operators can use the plugin’s commands.
- allowToTeleportOtherPlayers: If true everyone with the appropriate permissions can use /back [player_name].
- doSendCordsToPlayer: If true the death coordinates are sent to the player after death.
- doSendCordsToAllPlayers: If true the death coordinates along with the player’s display name are broadcasted to the whole server after a player’s death.
- doAutoTeleportToDeathLocation: If true the player is automatically teleported after the delay set in autoTeleportToDeathLocationDelay to their last death location.
- autoTeleportToDeathLocationDelay: TAKES A NUMERICAL VALUE. Sets after how much time the player will be teleported to their last death location, if doAutoTeleportToDeathLocation is true.
- disableUseBackCommandPermission: If true, permission usebackcommand is not required to run the /back command.
- disableUseBackCommandForOthersPermission: If true, permission usebackcommandforothers is not required to run the /back [player_name] command.
- disableAllPermissions: If true, no permissions are required to run the plugin’s commands.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
DeathTeleport Plugin (1.19.1) Download Links
For Minecraft Bukkit 1.19, 1.19.1
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