Default Plus Resource Pack by Wert4Nines
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August 8, 2016
This pack is much more colorful than defaults toned down color scheme
Smooth Wood
Wood still looks very much like default except I removed the nail like dots on it to give a smoother look
Stoneless Dirt
I removed the gray dots that resemble stones from dirt and grass to give it a much smoother look as well
Wedged Ores
Ores from Cotorie Craft mix nicely with default stone and it gives the ores a more ‘3D’ effect to them as they appear to be hiding behind the stone
Smoother Granite, Andesite, and Diorite
MUCH MUCH better looking than default without changing too much of their overall appearance
And much more awesome things on this pack, you should try it by yourself.
This pack is compatible with minecraft version: 1.10.2, 1.9.4
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Resource Packs
Download links for Default Plus Resource Pack
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