Dynamic World Mod 1.15.2 (Natural Structures)
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July 1, 2020
Dynamic World Mod 1.15.2 adds some structures and features to your Minecraft world to make it more dynamic and alive.
- Ancient buildings: towers, ruins, altars…
- Houses, ponds, bunkers…
- Fossils, totems…
- Palm trees, desert islands, fallen trees…and much more you will have to find out for yourself.
- New structure: the wagon.
- Some structures have many variations and change appearance in different biomes (they will be built with sandstone in the desert, with stone in the plains, with ice in cold biomes… you get the idea)
- It works with world generation mods such as Biomes O’Plenty, Terraforged, and others.
Almost all of them have a reward in the form of blocks or custom loot tables, just explore to find out!
Planned features:
This mod will continue to get updates with new structures, features, and gameplay options. These are the ones currently planned:
- Dungeons with powerful mobs and custom loot
- More variations to current structures
- Oasis in the desert (taking advantage of the new palm tree)
- Underground villages
How to install:
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For Minecraft 1.15.2
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