Enchant Plus Data Pack helps you enchant items better and easier. This data pack is based on Enchanter of Ender IO Mod, but it tweaks some more recipe. All the recipe is listed in the table below.

Enchant Plus Data Pack Thumbnail

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

Enchanted Books:

First, you need to set up an enchanting table on top of a bookshelf.

Enchant Plus Data Pack Screenshots 1

Put 1 writable book on an enchanting table, add required items as the table below and you can get that enchanted book easily.

Enchantment ID
Enchantment Tier
Require Experience Level
Require Item ID
Require Item Amount
Require Lapis Lazuli Amount
aqua_affinity 3 lily_pad 1 15
bane_of_arthropods 1 6 spider_eye 12 3
bane_of_arthropods 2 12 spider_eye 24 6
bane_of_arthropods 3 18 spider_eye 36 9
bane_of_arthropods 4 24 spider_eye 48 12
bane_of_arthropods 5 30 spider_eye 60 15
blast_protection 1 6 gunpowder 16 3
blast_protection 2 12 gunpowder 32 6
blast_protection 3 18 gunpowder 48 9
blast_protection 4 24 gunpowder 64 12
channeling 17 nether_star 1 15
binding_curse 3 soul_sand 1 3
vanishing_curse 3 flint_and_steel 1 3
depth_strider 1 10 prismarine 1 3
depth_strider 2 17 prismarine 2 6
depth_strider 3 25 prismarine 3 9
efficiency 1 5 redstone 12 3
efficiency 2 10 redstone 24 6
efficiency 3 18 redstone 36 9
efficiency 4 25 redstone 48 12
efficiency 5 33 redstone 60 15
feather_falling 1 6 feather 2 3
feather_falling 2 10 feather 4 6
feather_falling 3 15 feather 6 9
feather_falling 4 19 feather 8 12
fire_aspect 1 12 blaze_rod 8 3
fire_aspect 2 25 blaze_rod 16 6
fire_protection 1 10 blaze_powder 16 3
fire_protection 2 16 blaze_powder 32 6
fire_protection 3 22 blaze_powder 48 9
fire_protection 4 28 blaze_powder 64 12
flame 17 netherrack 2 15
fortune 1 13 emerald 1 3
fortune 2 20 emerald 2 6
fortune 3 27 emerald 3 9
frost_walker 1 10 ice 16 3
frost_walker 2 17 ice 32 6
impaling 1 5 prismarine_shard 12 3
impaling 2 11 prismarine_shard 24 6
impaling 3 19 prismarine_shard 36 9
impaling 4 28 prismarine_shard 48 12
impaling 5 36 prismarine_shard 60 15
infinity 17 ender_pearl 4 15
knockback 1 10 piston 1 3
knockback 2 21 piston 2 6
looting 1 13 #skull 1 3
looting 2 20 #skull 2 6
looting 3 27 #skull 3 9
loyalty 1 13 lead 1 3
loyalty 2 20 lead 2 6
loyalty 3 27 lead 3 9
luck_of_the_sea 1 13 nautilus_shell 1 3
luck_of_the_sea 2 20 nautilus_shell 2 6
luck_of_the_sea 3 27 nautilus_shell 3 9
lure 1 13 #raw_fish 2 3
lure 2 20 #raw_fish 4 6
lure 3 27 #raw_fish 6 9
mending 21 experience_bottle 1 15
power 1 5 flint 12 3
power 2 10 flint 24 6
power 3 18 flint 36 9
power 4 25 flint 48 12
power 5 33 flint 60 15
projectile_protection 1 4 arrow 16 3
projectile_protection 2 9 arrow 32 6
projectile_protection 3 13 arrow 48 9
projectile_protection 4 18 arrow 64 12
protection 1 5 iron_ingot 16 3
protection 2 11 iron_ingot 32 6
protection 3 19 iron_ingot 48 9
protection 4 28 iron_ingot 64 12
punch 1 13 string 2 3
punch 2 26 string 4 6
respiration 1 10 bottle 1 3
respiration 2 17 bottle 2 6
respiration 3 25 bottle 3 9
riptide 1 13 firework_rocket 3 3
riptide 2 20 firework_rocket 6 6
riptide 3 27 firework_rocket 9 9
sharpness 1 5 quartz 12 3
sharpness 2 11 quartz 24 6
sharpness 3 19 quartz 36 9
sharpness 4 28 quartz 48 12
sharpness 5 36 quartz 60 15
silk_touch 13 slimeball 2 15
smite 1 6 rotten_flesh 12 3
smite 2 12 rotten_flesh 24 6
smite 3 18 rotten_flesh 36 9
smite 4 24 rotten_flesh 48 12
smite 5 30 rotten_flesh 60 15
sweeping 1 10 phantom_membrane 1 3
sweeping 2 17 phantom_membrane 2 6
sweeping 3 25 phantom_membrane 3 9
thorns 1 12 rose_bush 1 3
thorns 2 25 rose_bush 2 6
thorns 3 40 rose_bush 3 9
unbreaking 1 6 obsidian 1 3
unbreaking 2 12 obsidian 2 6
unbreaking 3 18 obsidian 3 9

Bottle o’ Enchanting:

First, you need to set up 1 crafting table on top of a bookshelf.

Enchant Plus Data Pack Screenshots 2

Then you just need to put 1 glass bottle in crafting table. It will take 1 level of your player to craft one.

How to Install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs

Recipe Plus Data Pack Download Links

For Minecraft 1.13.2

Download from Server 1

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