Endless Resource Pack 1.12.2, 1.11.2 for Minecraft is one with an “endless” of textures and customizations that add to the game.It includes with variants of it, only that adds different things to the game, as it is an approach to realism that combined with some mods becomes one very similar to the most realistic that can be done without shaders. It replaces not only the default textures (Resources), adds to what is called “Block variants.” Also, has some 3d models and damaged items (3d models, item Damaged), with things with different textures for each number of a stack (Stacked Items). Also included is a bundle of resources for (Item Bound and Mods Patched) mods that replaces textures of the famous Thaumcraft 5 mod, BiomesOpently, Though as Nails, (For now these RP Mods Patched textures do not include for Thaumcraft 5 and BiomesO ‘pently.

Endless Resource Pack


Endless Resource Pack Screenshots 1

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Endless Resource Pack Screenshots 11

How to install:

Endless Resource Pack 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

for Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2

Download from Server 1

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