Enhanced Farming Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) – Revival of Better Farming Mod
Enhanced Farming Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is a revival of the old mod “Better Farming” by iBlackShadow. It has the same content of the old mod.
The trees can be planted on dirt and grass, have 6 growing stages and when fully grown they can drop their fruit over time. The trees can be found in their fitting biome.
Trees found in Forest biomes: (non-cold forests)
- Apple trees
- Lemon trees
- Orange trees
- Cherry trees
- Pear trees
- Avocado trees
- Mango trees
Trees found in Savannah biomes:
- Olive trees
Trees found in Jungle biomes:
- Banana trees
Currently the mod contains the following crops:
- The Aubergine plant – drops Aubergines and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Corn plant – drops Corn and has 8 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Cucumber plant – drops Cucumber and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Garlic plant – drops Garlic and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Grape plant – drops Grapes and has 6 stages, it can be planted on crop-sticks.
- The Lettuce plant – drops Lettuce and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Mint plant – drops Mint and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Nether Flower crop – drops blaze powder and has 6 stages, it can only be planted on Soul Sand.
- The Onion plant – drops Onions and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Pineapple plant – drops Pineapples and has 6 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- The Tomato plant – drops Tomatos and has 7 stages, it can be planted on farmland.
- Crop-sticks are planted on farmland, they exist to support some crops. (Currently there’s only 1 crop that requires cropsticks)
- Rakes are similar to the hoe but can only be used on grass, when used on grass it turns it into dirt and has a chance of dropping seeds from vanilla and the mod.
- The better the rake the better the chance of getting seeds.
- The Scarecrow scares the animals in a 5 block radius (5 blocks to each side making it 11×11 if you count the middle)
Tree Stages
Fruit Trees
Configuration Options:
- bonemealGrow: If disabled can be used to disable the usage of bonemeal on the mods plants.
- enableRake: The mods rakes can be disabled [if disabled the mods seeds will drop from grass instead].
- Food stats: The amount of hunger (or health for the special foods) can be configured here. Most foods are categorized.
- cropToSeeds: Can be disabled to disable the fruit to seed recipes. (previously fruitToSeeds)
- netherGen: Enables nether generation.
- oldLeaveDecay: Enables the old mods leave decay. [leaves have a 1/3 chance of becoming a normal leave that wont drop fruit].
- rakeDrops: In here drops from raking can be customized.
- tooHot: If enabled causes hot drinks to hurt if held for a long amount of time.
- treeDropRate: The fruit drop rate. [default: 20] (the higher the number the lower the chance of trees dropping fruit)
- treeGen: Enables the tree generation in the world.
How to install:
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Enhanced Farming Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links
Other Versions:
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge version: Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.17.1
Forge version: Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.18.1
Forge version: Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.18.2
Forge version: Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19
Forge version: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.19.1
Forge version: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.19.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1