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June 6, 2022
❘ Author: zabi94
❘ Available for: Fabric
Extra Alchemy Mod (1.19, 1.18.2) aims to enlarge minecraft brewing system with more useful potions. All potions in this mod are brewed in the vanilla Brewing Stand with vanilla items and have the standard splash, lingering and arrow variants; some of them may also have redstone and glowstone enhancements. Every single potion can be individually disabled in the config file.
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Potion of Dislocation
This potion teleports the entity around in a 8 blocks radius, randomly.
Useful to disorient players and to avoid arrows.
Recipe: Chorus Fruit into a Mundane potion base
Glowstone: Increases the frequency of teleports
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Fuse
This potion makes the entity explode when the countdown reaches zero.
It damages blocks and entities.
Recipe: Any firework charge into an Awkward potion base
Glowstone: Makes the explosion bigger and stronger
Redstone: Differently from other potions, shortens the duration
Potion of Magnetism
This potion expands the radius in which you pick up items by 4 in every direction, as long as the player is not sneaking. The sneaking behaviour is inverted for intentionally dropped items, as you won’t pick them up unless shifting. This only applies to the potion effect, you will still pick dropped items up after 5 seconds, or by walking near them (vanilla pick up radius not affected).
Non-player entities are not affected. This effect has a config option to integrate Botania’s solegnolias.
Recipe: An iron ingot into an Awkward potion base
Glowstone: Makes the radius bigger by 2 and removes the pick up cooldown
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Sinking
This potion makes swimming more difficult by dragging entities downwards when in water.
Also useful when exploring depths, as it makes sinking faster.
Recipe: Clay ball into a water breathing potion base
Glowstone: Makes sinking faster
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Recall
When the countdown reaches 0 this potion teleports the entity back to where they got the effect.
If the potion fails to teleport the entity inter-dimentionally, it instead deals a small magic damage.
Recipe: An ender eye into a long slowness potion base
Glowstone: Makes the potion work through different dimensions
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Pacifism
This potion prevents the affected entity from dealing fighting damage for a short period of time.
No more struggling to get your items back from a mob-infested area.
Recipe: A golden apple into a harming potion base
Glowstone: Makes the potion work both ways (Can’t recive nor deal fighting damage)
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of the Piper
This potion makes you irresistible to all animals that would follow you when holding their favourite food.
This unfortunately makes the animals really hungry and they will chase you for a long time, at increased speed.
Hint: Keep a bucket of milk handy to stop luring them around.
Recipe: Wheat into an Awkward potion base
Glowstone: Makes the animals hungrier so that they chase you faster
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Crumbling
This potion corrodes the earth below your feet. This will only work on more “mundane” materials, like stone, dirt, sand…
Again, this can be really useful both as a utility effect or a defensive effect, as enemies will sink into the ground.
Recipe: Flint into a Thick potion base
Glowstone: Increases speed
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Concentration
Don’t you hate those distracting swirling particles in your eyes everytime you use a potion?
Here’s the solution to your problems. Works for every potion (Yes, invisibility too).
Recipe: An egg into an awkward potion base
No glowstone or redstone variants
Potion of Freezing
Slow your enemies down with some good old ice. This ice will melt over time, and will cause no suffocation damage.
No water is generated when broken, and it won’t replace non-air blocks.
Recipe: A snowball into an Awkward potion base
No glowstone or redstone variants
Potion of Return
This one’s for you, travellers. A quick, fast way to get back home to your bed location.
This follows respawn rules, an obstructed or missing bed will make the potion fail.
Does nothing to non-player entities
Recipe: A prismarine shard into an Awkward potion base
No glowstone or redstone variants
Potion of Photosynthesis
Eating made easy. Refills hunger as long as you can see sunlight.
Does nothing to non-player entities
Recipe: Beetroot seeds into an Awkward potion base
Glowstone: Refills hunger more quickly
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Hurry
All tile entities around the player tick faster. This also causes fatigue.
The player is immortal until the effect runs out to everything a creative player is immortal (So void damage and such will still kill you). If the player does not die during this time the effect wears out normally. However, if the player, at some point, was to die, the effect turns into a death clock, retaining all its effect but it may kill the player at any time, randomly, when the effect is on. The closer one is to 0 time remaining, the higher the chance to die. Death is not guaranteed, there’s a small chance to survive.
If the death clock kills the player, all his or her items WILL BE CONSUMED, and will not drop.
The Death Clock starts with half the time remaining on Cheat Death. Having both effects on will nullify both protections.
Note that milk will not clear Death Clock away, but will work on Cheat Death.
Both item destruction and random death are configurable.
Recipe: Golden Apple in a Charged Potion base
No glowstone or redstone variants
Potion of Reincarnation
On player death it will transfer all potion effects, with the exception of itself and Death Clock/Cheat Death.
Level II will allow to transfer itself, and will exclude all negative effects.
Recipe: Leather into an awkward potion base
Glowstone: Makes it level II
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Combustion
Entities will be set on fire, fire will appear around the entity, and, on players, it will cook held items (both hands).
The spawning of fire will follow the doFireTick gamerule.
Recipe: Coal block into a mundane potion base
Glowstone: Makes the effect more frequent
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Detection
All living entities around the affected entity will be highlighted
Recipe: Spider eye into a mundane potion base
No glowstone or redstone variants
Potion of Learning
XP orbs will be instantly absorbed by the player and the experience contained increased by 10%
Recipe: Lapis Block into a thick potion base
Glowstone: Makes the radius wider
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Leech
Dealing damage heals the entity
Recipe: Golden Apple into a potion of Instant Damage
Glowstone: Restores more life
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of Gravity
Any entity walking with this potion will make the blocks under its feet fall like sand or gravel every few seconds.
Recipe: Nether Brick into a thick potion base.
Glowstone: The blocks fall more frequently
Redstone: Increases duration
Potion of the 7 Seas
If a player affected by this potion drives a boat, the forward speed and acceleration will be significantly higher.
Recipe: A raw fish into a long swiftness potion
Glowstone: makes the boat faster
Redstone: Increases duration
Charged Potion
Like its vanilla counterparts mundane, thick and awkward, this does absolutely nothing. It’s a crafting base for the most expensive potions. Splash, lingering and arrow variants are only used to make really expensive swirly particles.
Recipe: Nether star into an awkward potion base.