About Fancy Cubes Resource Pack

The Fancy Cubes Resource Pack will definitely be the perfect fit for players who like the overall art style of Minecraft but are bothered by the fact that textures are just a little too much from time to time. Most resource and texture packs of this game are very well constructed, but they often have block textures that tend to overdo things just a slight bit. This pack has been built to remedy this exact issue and will provide you with a visual experience that’s quite immersive and very easy on the eyes as well which is something that a lot of players will appreciate.








The smooth and pleasing textures are great, but they aren’t the only feature that the Fancy Cubes resource pack has to offer. It’s a very complete texture pack that has a ton of amazing features that elevate Minecraft’s visuals pretty significantly. It has a cartoonish art style, and it couples that with some very vibrant colors, custom animations, special monster designs and a whole lot of other fantastic visual elements that make the experience absolutely delightful and fill the game with tons of eye candy.








The Fancy Cubes resource pack also has a bunch of very unique elements that set it apart from the crowd. It boasts a gorgeous custom clock as well as a solid compass and both these things are always available for you to look at. The pack even gives the default user-interface a pretty big overhaul to make it feel more in-line according to the graphics and visuals that the pack implements.

Fancy Cubes Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.9 Changelogs

  • pack.png changed
  • New animations. Examples: Soul Sand, Glowstone, Redstone Lamp
  • Changed animations. Examples: Portal, Explosion, Beacon Beam, Creeper Armor
  • Changed enchanted item glint
  • Changed pumpkin blur
  • Changed big paintings
  • Changed fireworks’ particles
  • Changed some textures of blocks and items. Examples: Apple, Web, double fern
  • Changed clouds, rain
  • Minor changes

How to install Fancy Cubes Resource Pack?

  1. Start Minecraft.
  2. Click “Options” in the start menu.
  3. Click “resource packs” in the options menu.
  4. In the resource packs menu, click “Open resource pack folder”.
  5. Put the .zip file you downloaded in the resource pack folder.

Download Links for Fancy Cubes Resource Pack:

for Minecraft 1.9.X

https://files.9minecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1459674450 (1.38MB)

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