Ghost’s Explosives Mod 1.12.2 adds new explosives, TNTs, C4, Landmines, TNT Bazookas and more… to Minecraft.

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Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

TNT x1/2: Creates a tiny Explosion.

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TNT x10: Creates a big Explosion.

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TNT x100: Creates a large Explosion.

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TNT x1000: Creates a huge Explosion.

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Nuclear TNT: Creates the largest Explosion in the Mod and places Nuclear Waste everywhere.

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Compact TNT: Shoots out multiple TNT.

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Multiplying TNT: Shoots out multiple TNT which again shoot out more TNT.

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Spiral TNT: Shoots TNT in a spiral pattern.

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Homing TNT: Aims at all Entities in a certain radius and shoots a TNT at them.

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Flattening TNT: Flattens the area. Most effective underground.

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Flaming TNT: Causes a explosion and places fire all over the place.

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Freezing TNT: Places a ton of Snow, extinguishes Fire and replaces Water with Ice and Packed Ice, Lava with Obsidian and Magma Blocks with Cobblestone. Also applies a Slowness Effect to all Entities around. Does not destroy Blocks.

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Arrow TNT: Shoots out a large number of Arrows.

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Arrow Spiral TNT: Shoots out a large number of Arrows in a spiral pattern.

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Lightning TNT: Spawns many Lightning Bolts on it’s Explosion.

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C4: You can detonate every C4 you have placed down (which is in a loaded chunk) using the C4 Detonator.

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Landmine: The Landmine can be camouflaged as any solid block in Minecraft. You can enable/disable any block in the config.

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Instant Flint and Steel: Instant Flint and Steel instantly ignites TNT added by this mod.

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TNT Bazooka: You can use the TNT Bazooka to shoot TNT from far away at a target.

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Charged Gunpowder: Charged Gunpowder is created when a normal Gunpowder is struck by Lightning or if a Charged Creeper explodes nearby.

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Charcoal Dust: Charcoal Dust is used to craft Gunpowder.

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Sulfur: Sulfur Crystals drop from the Sulfur Ore. They can be turned into Sulfur Dust to craft Gunpowder.

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Potassium Nitrate: Potassium Nitrate Dust drops from the corresponding Ore. It can be used to craft Gunpowder.

Uranium: Uranium Dust drops from the Uranium Ore. It can be crafted into Uranium Rods which can then be crafted into Uranium Blocks. They are needed for the Nuclear TNT.

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Minecraft Forge

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

Ghost’s Explosives Mod 1.12.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

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