Harshen Castle Mod 1.12.2 (Rituals, Souls, Blood)
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March 15, 2019
Harshen Castle Mod 1.12.2 adds big structures with powerful bosses, mobs, traps, armors, tools, accessories, new dimensions and more.
- Spawns the main castle (located at x:750 z:750, position not final).
- Spawns a randomly generated maze in the basement of the castle (note maze will always have at least one solution).
- Custom Entity Soulless Knight: will attack normally.
- Custom Entity Soul Part: will only attack if you dont have the soulless potion effect.
- Rituals (reccomended JEI).
- Glass Containers – contains liquids and effects.
- Custom Dimension – called pontus. access with Pontus world gate spawner.
- Custom Biomes in Custom Dimension – biomes have a “biome system”, whereas if you dont have a certial level then you will have negative effects and a visual border will appear. Theres no way to change the biome level without using the command /pontuslevel <level>.
- Custom Inventory – custom inventory, open with default key H, or with the button in the main inventory.
- Custom Accessories – goes with cusom inventory.
- Custom Potion Soulless – prevents Soul Parts from attacking you.
- Custom Potion Pure – takes away all negative effects.
- Custom Potion Harshed – does damage and slownes.
- Custom Plant Light emitted essence.
Main Castle
Current accessories
Mining Soul Ore
Pedestal Slab Ritual
Heretic Cauldron Ritual – BEFORE
Heretic Cauldron Ritual – AFTER
Pontus World
Soulless Knight
How to install:
Harshen Castle Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.1, 1.12
For Minecraft 1.12.2
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