In The Dark is a PvE map created by CatCreamYT. This is a simplistic PvP map based off of the strange effect of setting your gamma to a negative number. The goal is very simple. Be the last one remaining in a small and enclosed village. The hard part is being able to see your opponents through the darkness. When left in the dark, with no light source nearby, you will begin to lose your sanity. If you stay in the darkness long enough, you will eventually die. This meter can be measured through the audible heartbeat you hear in-game. Holding your lantern or simply being near one of the light sources will calm you down and protect you.

In The Dark Map Thumbnail


In The Dark Map Screenshots (1) In The Dark Map Screenshots (2)

  • Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
  • You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.

How to install:

  1. Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps

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In The Dark Map Download Links

For Minecraft 1.14.x

Download from Server 2

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