Living Block Monsters Reborn Mod 1.12.2 (Block Morphs)
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July 9, 2019
Living Block Monsters Reborn Mod 1.12.2 adds 8 new block monsters (bosses) to Minecraft.
Gold Block Monster
- 120 hp.
- Fast Speed.
- 5 Armor & 10 Attack Damage.
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Diamond Block Monster
- 160 hp.
- Fast Speed.
- 7 Armor & 16 Attack Damage.
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Netherrack Block Monster
- 100 hp.
- Fast Speed.
- 1 Armor & 6 Attack Damage.
- Setting on fire & Immunity to any fire damage.
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Shulker Block Monster
- 150 hp.
- Slow Speed.
- 5 Armor & 8 Attack Damage.
- Teleportation & Immunity to any fire damage.
- When below 50% of his health he will transform into Giant Shulker and will shoot Shulker Bullets.
- While in Giant Shulker form is resistant to arrows.
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Magma Block Monster
- 140 hp.
- Fast Speed.
- 1 Armor & 8 Attack Damage.
- Setting On Fire, Flaming Trail & Immunity to any fire damage.
- Has two attack types:
- 1. Melee (Default).
- 2. Fireball Burst (Will spawn ring of fireballs all around him).
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Obsidian Block Monster
- 250 hp.
- Slow Speed.
- 10 Armor & 8 Attack Damage.
- Knockback, resistance to explosions and arrows, Immunity to any fire damage.
- Heals when is hit by Large Fireballs.
- Has two attack types:
- 1. Melee (Default).
- 2. Fireball Hurl (Will hurl 3 giant fireballs towards enemies).
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
Tnt Block Monster
- 100 hp .
- Medium Speed.
- 2 Armor & 5 Attack Damage.
- Resistance to explosions, exploding punch.
- Has three attack types:
- 1. Melee (Default).
- 2. Tnt Throw (Will throw tnt at his enemies).
- 3. On Death will split into 6-8 tnt that will have longer fuse and bigger explosion.
- Drops (Not decided yet)
- Doesn’t spawn yet
Cactus Block Monster
- 120 hp .
- Slow Speed.
- 2 Armor & 6 Attack Damage.
- Spiked Armor (Reflects all taken damage and will multiply it by 2).
- Has three attack types:
- 1. Melee (Default).
- 2. Spiked Fangs (Will launch a evoker fang barrage towards you).
- 3. On death will spawn up to 7 evoker fangs that can deal up to 40 damage.
- Drops (Not decided yet).
- Doesn’t spawn yet.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
Living Block Monsters Reborn Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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