Moar Tinkers Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 (More Material Types for Tinkers Construct)
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September 24, 2021
Moar Tinkers Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 adds into the game more crafting materials to use with the Tinker’s Construct mod. Some of these will be moar useful than those added by vanilla Tinkers Construct. Currently this mod adds 63 types, 43/63 of the materials currently have traits.
Common metals from mods:
- Enderium (Requires enderium ingot ore dict)
- Iridium (Requires iridium ingot ore dict)
- Platinum (Requires platinum ingot ore dict)
- Mithril/Mana Infused (Requires milthril ingot ore dict)
- Signalum (Requires signalum ingot ore dict)
- Lumium (Requires lumium ingot ore dict)
- Constantan (Only if Immersive Engineering is NOT loaded, Requires constantan ingot ore dict)
- Invar (Requires invar ingot ore dict)
- Nickel (Requires nickel ingot ore dict)
- Tin (Requires tin ingot ore dict)
- Brass (Requires brass ingot ore dict)
- Zinc (Requires zinc ingot ore dict)
- Aluminum (Requires aluminum ingot ore dict)
Redstone Arsenal:
- Fluxed Electrum (Requires fluxed electrum ingot ore dict)
Tech Reborn/Some IC2:
- Refined Iron (Requires refined iron ingot ore dict)
- Tungsten (Requires tungsten ingot ore dict)
- Titanium (Requires titanium ingot ore dict)
- Tungstensteel (Requires tungstensteel ingot ore dict)
- Chrome (Requires chrome ingot ore dict)
- Advanced Alloy (Requires advanced alloy ingot ore dict)
- Rubber (Requires rubber item ore dict, Made in part builder, Works as bowstring)
- Refined Glowstone (Requires refined glowstone ingot ore dict)
- Refined Obsidian (Requires refined obsidian ingot ore dict)
- Osmium (Requires osmium ingot ore dict)
- Electrical Steel (Requires EnderIO)
- Energetic Alloy (Requires EnderIO)
- Vibrant Alloy (Requires EnderIO)
- Redstone Alloy (Requires EnderIO)
- Conductive Iron (Requires EnderIO)
- Pulsating Iron (Requires EnderIO)
- Dark Steel (Requires EnderIO)
- Soularium (Requires EnderIO)
- Yellorium (Requires Extreme Reactors)
- Cyanite (Requires Extreme Reactors)
- Blutonium (Requires blutonium ingot ore dict)
- Ludicrite (Requires ludicrite ingot ore dict)
Common Gems from mods:
- Ruby (Requires ruby gem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Sapphire (Requires sapphire gem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Peridot (Requires peridot gem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Yellow Garnet (Requires yellow garnet gem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Red Garnet (Requires red garnet gem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Certus Quartz (Requires Applied Energistics 2, Made in part builder)
- Fluix Crystal (Requires Applied Energistics 2, Made in part builder)
- Quartz Enriched Iron (Requires Refined Storage)
Environmental Tech:
- Hardened Stone (Requires hardened stone ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Basalt (Requires basalt ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Alabaster (Requires alabaster ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Lonsdaleite (Requires lonsdaleite ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Mica (Requires Environmental Tech, Made in part builder)
- Manasteel (Requires manasteel ingot ore dict and NO Natural Pledge loaded)
- Terrasteel (Requires terrasteel ingot ore dict and NO Natural Pledge loaded)
- Elementium (Requires elementium ingot ore dict and NO Natural Pledge loaded)
- Gaia Spirit (Requires gaia spirit ingot ore dict)
- Psimetal (Requires psimetal ingot ore dict)
- Psigem (Requires psigem ore dict, Made in part builder)
- Ivory Psimetal (Requires ivory psimetal ingot ore dict)
- Ebony Psimetal (Requires ebony psimetal ingot ore dict)
- Dark Matter (Requires ProjectE, Made in part builder)
- Red Matter (Requires ProjectE, Made in part builder)
Draconic Evolution:
- Draconium (Requires Draconic Evolution, Made in part builder)
- Wyvern Draconium (Requires Draconic Evolution, Made in part builder)
- Awakened Draconium (Requires Draconic Evolution, Made in part builder)
- Chaotic Draconium (Requires Draconic Evolution, Made in part builder)
Traits Added:
- Moar Writable – The power of enchanting magically gave moar space to expand!
- Radioactive – Randomly causes hunger or radiation poisoning
Weeee! – Powerful enough to destroy everything below it! At least…harvest level-wise. - Energy Repair – Repairs from the energy stored in the inventory, but only when it’s about to be damaged…
- Energy Eater – Boosts the mining speed and damage by consuming energy!
- Mana Repair – Repairs from the mana stored in the player, but only when it’s about to be damaged…
- Mana Eater – Boosts the mining speed and damage by consuming mana!
- Psi Repair – Repairs from the psi stored in the player, but only when it’s about to be damaged…
- Psi Eater – Boosts the mining speed and damage by consuming psi!
- Ender Magnetic – Instant magical teleporting magnet!
- Instakill – One-shot kills. Slightly dangerous
- Too OP – This is too powerful for normal minecrafters to handle, has some consequences…
- Critikill – Always do a critical hit!
- Payback – Become enraged and deal moar damage when severely injured
- SOS! – Recover when severely injured at a large cost
- Constant – Mine and attack the same all the time!
- Power of the Sun – Torch works too. Mining and fighting are effected by your light conditions
- Reflect – Why are you hitting yourself
- Launch – Occasionally make your enemy go flying. They like it…until they hit the ground
- Shock – Occasionally shock your enemy with a bolt of thunder. Or lightning. Whatever
- Healer – Guess you like the enemy so much you heal them every time you try to hurt them
- Slingshot – Your tool become a slingshot for you to use for others!
- Darkness – Dark influences don’t wont on your enemy, so they’re tortured instead!
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Moar Tinkers Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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