Ore Zombies Mod 1.8, 1.7.10
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September 6, 2016
Ore Zombies Mod 1.8, 1.7.10 adds 8 new zombies that will spawn random in your world. As these zombies drop valuable items (Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli and Quartz), it is harder to kill them as they have greater damage, knockback resistance, speed and more damage power. Diamond, Emerald, Restone, and Lapis Lazuli ore zombies do NOT spawn in all biomes.
Zombies Characteristics:
- Coal Zombie spawns in all biomes | Life Points:40 (2x Zombie) | (0-2 Coal)
- Iron Zombie spawns in all biomes | Life Points:50 (2x Zombie) | (0-2 Iron Ingots)
- Gold Zombie spawns in all biomes | Life Points:50 (2x Zombie) | (0-2 Gold Ingots)
- Diamond Zombie spawns in desert, desert Hills, forest, plain and swampland biomes. | Life Points:70 | (0-2 Diamonds)
- Emerald Zombie spawns in desert, desert Hills, forest, plain and swampland biomes. | Life Points:70 | (0-2 Emeralds)
- Redstone Zombie spawns in desert, desert Hills, forest, plain and swampland biomes. | Life Points:60 | (3-10 Redstone
- Lapis Lazuli Zombie spawns in desert, desert Hills, Extreme Hills, Extreme Hills Edge, forest, frozen river, ice plains, plains and swampland biomes. | Life Points:60 | (5 – 10 lapis lazuli)
- Quartz Zombie spawns in:nether(hell) biome. | Life Points:60 | (0-2 quartz ores)
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