Progressive Tools Crafting 2.0 Data Pack 1.13.2 (New and Improved Crafting Tier)
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June 15, 2019
Progressive Tools Crafting 2.0 Data Pack is a less annoying version of the other Progressive Tools Crafting Datapack (Version 1.0). The last version tried to make use out of materials that weren’t getting much attention from the player base or Mojang. So to craft a tool/weapon, it needed an item of the lesser material by the order of Wood – Stone – Iron – Gold – Diamond. That also means that you have to go through the hassle of crafting every version of the sword, pickaxe, ax, hoe, etc… Now with version 2.0, it’s easier to craft while still makes other materials useful.
How to Use:
- Now only requires 2 of the lesser tiered minerals to craft a tool instead of a lesser tool.
- Mixed wood also works, the crafting patterns are shown for every tool.
- The material tier is the same: Wood – Stone – Iron – Gold – Diamond.
How to Install:
Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs
Progressive Tools Crafting 2.0 Data Pack Download Links
For Minecraft 1.13.2
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