Minecraft Shipwreck Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Shipwreck seeds to create a world where you spawn near a Shipwreck in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, a shipwreck is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. It looks like the ruins of a sunken ship and is found in Ocean, River and Beach biomes. Shipwrecks usually spawn underwater, however in rare cases, you may find a shipwreck on land in a Beach biome.

Here are some Shipwreck seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Shipwreck Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Shipwreck Seed #1

Seed: 12947

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a Plains island with lots of sheep and cows. If you travel to the South, there is a deep cavern at coordinates (67,65,188) that you can explore with coal ore and copper ore visible on the edges.

If you travel to the West, you will pass by a Beach to find dolphins swimming in the water and a Shipwreck in the Ocean biome.

Shipwreck Seed #2

Seed: 5005

This Minecraft seed spawns you right next to a beautiful Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome. Check out the different colors of coral as well as the tropical fish swimming around. In the reef, there is also a Shipwreck at coordinates (-202,48,-606).

If you like to dig for treasure, you can also find a Buried Treasure underwater at coordinates (-183,53,-823).

Shipwreck Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Shipwreck Seed #1

Seed: 12947

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a Plains island with lots of sheep and cows. If you travel to the South, there is a deep cavern at coordinates (67,65,188) that you can explore with coal ore and copper ore visible on the edges.

If you travel to the West, you will pass by a Beach to find dolphins swimming in the water and a Shipwreck in the Ocean biome.

Shipwreck Seed #2

Seed: 5005

This Minecraft seed spawns you right next to a beautiful Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome. Check out the different colors of coral as well as the tropical fish swimming around. In the reef, there is also a Shipwreck at coordinates (-202,48,-606).

If you like to dig for treasure, you can also find a Buried Treasure underwater at coordinates (-183,53,-823).

Shipwreck Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Shipwreck Seed #1

Seed: 345663

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a Forest island in a group of small islands. This is a great survival island seed with both oak trees and birch trees on the island where you spawn. There is also a group of turtles on the island.

You can find two partial Shipwrecks if you travel North to coordinates (16,~,-352) or South to coordinates (32,~,128).

Shipwreck Seed #2

Seed: 101

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a small Plains island. At the East side of the island, you can find a shipwreck that is underwater at coordinates (160,~,-112).

There is also an Ocean Monument very close by to the North at coordinates (176,~,-224) which you can be seen in the top-left corner of this image.

Other Shipwreck Seeds

Shipwreck Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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