Super TNT Mod 1.12.2 (Best TNT Mod for Minecraft)
Super TNT Mod 1.12.2 is the successor to the Too Much TNT Mod for 1.12.2. The biggest TNT is 100000 times bigger than normal TNT!
It features many, many, many improvements and extra stuff from the older version. These improvements include:
- Adds a total of 56 TNTs to Minecraft. This is a major improvement over the old version which only added 12. It contains all of the TNTs from the last mod plus many, many more.
- 99% less lag! Which brings us to the next feature.
- The TNT called “This one is so big it will crash your computer” is now “Doom TNT: The Gold Plated Plutonic Aloy Coated Eight volume Nuclear Donkey Edition” because it will no longer crash your game.
- Bigger and more satisfyingly awesome explosions.
- The biggest TNT makes such a massive explosion that the crater is 10000 blocks from one end to the next.
- Everything has a crafting recipe this time!
- The Super TNT Mod is the best TNT mod for Minecraft! It has more features and is much more functional than any other Minecraft TNT mod available, especially for version 1.12.2
- Some of the many TNTs in this mod include Nostalgia TNT, Black Hole TNT, Atomic Diamond TNT, Everything TNT, Wave TNT, Lava Ocean TNT and many more.
The Too Much TNT Mod has been dead since Minecraft 1.8. The Super TNT Mod has all the features of Too Much TNT and more! Better yet, it’s finally available for Minecraft 1.12.2!
A comprehensive list of all the different TNTs, screenshots, and explanations of what they all do:
- Airborne TNT
- Anti Mob TNT
- Anti-Dimensional Singularity TNT
- Arrow TNT
- Atomic Diamond TNT
- Atomic Lava Nuke TNT
- Atomic Mob Swarm TNT
- Biome Buster
- Black Hole TNT
- Bunker TNT
- Cave TNT
- Cheesy TNT
- Cluster TNT
- Crack TNT
- Crappy TNT
- Diamond TNT
- Doom TNT: The Gold Plated Plutonium Alloy Coated Eight Volume Nuclear Donkey Edition
- Everything TNT
- Fact TNT
- Fire TNT
- Flat TNT
- Forest TNT
- Heck TNT
- House TNT
- Is it Christmas TNT
- Island TNT
- Jail TNT
- Kim Jong TNT
- Large TNT
- Lava Ocean TNT
- Lightning TNT
- Massive TNT
- Mining TNT
- Mob TNT
- Mob Swarm TNT
- NO (this one is so big it will crash real life)
- Nostalgia TNT
- Ocean TNT
- One to rule them all – the TNT to end all TNTs
- Rake TNT
- Really Crappy TNT
- Save TNT
- Snow TNT
- Sponge TNT
- SuperCluster TNT
- The Super TNT of Mass Destruction
- Teleportation TNT
- Time TNT
- Tiny Island TNT
- Tree TNT
- Trump TNT
- Warp TNT
- Wave TNT
- Weather TNT
- Weed TNT
The Super TNT Mod is the best TNT mod for Minecraft:
The Super TNT Mod is the best TNT mod for Minecraft. It is considered the spiritual successor to the Too Much TNT Mod which has been dead since Minecraft 1.8. Back in the days of Minecraft 1.6 and 1.7, Super TNT and Too Much TNT were in steady competition to be better than one another. With the demise of the Too Much TNT mod, The Super TNT mod is now left as the best TNT mod for Minecraft.
It is better than “Even More Explosives. It is better than the “Fun TNT Mod” and it is also better than the “Xplosives” mod in every way. In this article, it will be pointed out not only why it’s better than all these other mods, but in nearly every aspect at which it excels.
Here is a quick comparison chart. You can see that the Super TNT Mod does circles around the other ones.
Below, we will go over each section in detail:
1. Different types of TNTs:
Let us first go over the TNTs in the Xplosives mod. There are 11 of them.
There is some variety in the Xplosives mod. There is a snowball TNT. It throws snowballs in all directions which is kind of cool. There are 2 arrow TNTs. 1 of them shoots regular arrows everywhere and the second arrow TNT shoots enchanted arrows everywhere. There is also a lava TNT and a lightning TNT type thing.
Fun TNT Mod:
Let’s take a look at the Fun TNT Mod.
It only has a paltry 5 different TNTs:
From left to right, we have Tier 8 TNT, Tier 128 TNT, Tier 2 TNT, Tier 64 TNT and then “NUKE!”. Tier 8 is 8 times more powerful than regular TNT, Tier 2 is 2 times more powerful than regular TNT and so on.
There are no TNTs that do anything rad or special like with the other 3 TNT mods being reviewed here. They all just explode stuff, plain and simple.
Even More Explosives:
Here is a big one: Even More Explosives. It has throwable dynamites rather than stationary TNT blocks. There are 51 different explosions in that mod
This mod actually makes an attempt to have a more diverse range of different TNTs, ranging from explosive to special effects and things like that. For example, there is a Dynamite x1000, a snow dynamite, a sponge dynamite, a soul sand dynamite some other things. The major issue with this is that they are all really low quality were probably products of very little effort. The explosions look bad and the special TNTs are really lame and don’t work well. There will be more on that later.
The Super TNT Mod:
The Super TNT Mod has 56 different TNTs. It has many TNTs with a vast range of different functions from causing major destruction to flooding the world with diamonds to offending North Korea so badly that it starts a war.
Unlike the Even More TNT Mod, every single TNT not only works well but looks good and has satisfying results.
2. The Most Destructive Explosion
Xplosives has a larger TNT explosion than both the Fun TNT mod AND the Even More Explosives mod. It is also the only mod other than Super TNT that doesn’t have incredibly ugly looking explosions.
The biggest TNT in the Xplosives mod is the Hydrogen Bomb. I estimate that it’s 2000x more powerful than regular TNT although the exact figure isn’t published by the author anywhere. It is roughly the same as the Massive TNT in the Super TNT Mod.
The explosion from the Hydrogen Bomb reasonably big. It’s 256 times more powerful than regular TNT. It’s still nothing compared to even the medium to small explosions in Super TNT but it’s actually pretty ok. Fun TNT and Even More Explosives, however, are much less well done and less satisfying. Let’s take a look.
Fun TNT Mod:
Fun TNT mod probably has the worst, most incredibly lame “biggest TNT” I have ever seen in any TNT mod. I’ve seen better explosions in mods made from notepad or Cheat Engine.
The TNT itself looks promising enough. It is called “NUKE!”, after all.
Here it is. It looks like crap.
Even More Explosives:
The most powerful explosion in the Even More Explosives mod is the “Dynamite x1000”. The explosion that it makes looks just as bad as the nuke in the Fun TNT Mod.
It’s just a bigger version of the nuke explosion. It is 1000 times bigger than regular TNT. I hear multiple explode sound effects every time I explode Dynamite x1000 so they must have taken 4 of something the size of the nuke and put it together or something. It looks bad compared to the Super TNT Mod.
The Super TNT Mod:
The Super TNT mod has the biggest and most satisfying explosions you will ever see in any TNT mod.
Here is an example of an explosion from the Doom TNT. Look at how beautiful and magnificent the crater is. Nothing like this has been seen in any of the previous mods whatsoever.
So here is the biggest TNT in the Super TNT mod. It packs a serious punch. It is 100000 times more powerful than regular TNT.
The explosion is so enormous that it destroys a 10000×10000 block area.
This explosion is so big that it puts all the other TNT mods to shame. You will probably never find this in any other TNT mod ever.
3. Explosion quality and effects
In addition to destructive TNTs, Xplosives has other functioning TNTs that do different things such as Snowball TNT, Lava TNT, and 2 Arrow TNTs. At least they all work. Maybe that’s why there are only 11 TNTs; because they knew they would mess it up too badly (like Even More Explosives did) if they made a whole lot.
Fun TNT Mod:
The Fun TNT mod doesn’t have anything other than destructive TNTs (and not very good ones at that). But it gets worse. They must not have known how to make textures work right because every time you ignite one of these TNTs, the texture disappears.
Even More Explosives:
Even more, explosives actually make an attempt to make additional TNTs that do things other than just blow up. I guess since they figured that they couldn’t get the craters to work well they would try something else. There are things like snow dynamite, sand dynamite, ice dynamite, sponge dynamite and soul sand dynamite. It sounds like a good thing at first but you are about to see just how pointless these really are.
Lets first look at snow dynamite. We will compare it to Super TNT’s Snow TNT:
The Super TNT mod’s Snow TNT nicely covered the surrounding area in a blanket of snow, freezing any water that was nearby. The Even More Explosive mod’s Snow Dynamite, on the other hand, just spawned a glob of snow. That’s all it does.
In fact, almost all of the Even More Explosive mod’s special explosions do exactly the same thing. They all just spawn globs of whatever is in their title. Sponge Dynamite spawns a glob of sponge. Soul Sand Dynamite spawns a glob of soul sand. The ice one gives you a glob of ice. They’re all almost exactly the same. Here’s a picture of the sponge dynamite also:
The sponge dynamite is a total joke. Super TNT mod’s Sponge TNT, on the left, soaked up almost the whole lake. Both of these screenshots were taken at the same lake.
So to wrap it up, Even More Explosives was certainly an attempt at making a TNT mod. It’s lackluster features and shortcomings were what caused the Super TNT mod to be created.
The Super TNT Mod:
The Super TNT mod is the obviously the best TNT mod for Minecraft. It is far better than any other TNT mod in any way and perhaps it will inspire the creation of higher quality mods in general.
List of 56 TNTs added to Minecraft (Updating):
1. Massive TNT
To craft it, you will need 4 Large TNTs arranged together as shown in the diagram:
This makes a pretty big explosion. Below is the aftermath:
As you can see, this is a really big crater. This, however, is only the 2nd biggest TNT in the mod. There is much stronger stuff.
2. The Super TNT of Mass Destruction
This monstrosity is the Super TNT. It makes a big boom.
To craft it, you will need 8 Massive TNTs and 1 Biome Buster and they must be arranged like so.
It makes an utterly enormous crater. This is still not even close to being the biggest explosion in the mod.
3. Doom TNT: The Gold Plated Plutonium Alloy Coated Eight Volume Nuclear Donkey Edition
This is called Doom TNT: The Gold Plated Plutonium Alloy Coated Eight Volume Nuclear Donkey Edition. This TNT was previously named “This is so big it will crash your computer” in the old version of the mod. Due to various reasons, it is no longer at risk of crashing your game as long as you give Java enough ram. Use -Xmx3G minimum to not run out of memory but -Xmx8G is recommended for reliable stability.
To craft it, you will need 4 Super TNTs.
This is where the explosions start getting serious. As you can see in the below picture, that’s a really big hole.
It must be noted that this is still not the biggest TNT in the mod.
4. The End TNT
If you thought it wasn’t possible to make a bigger explosion, you were wrong. This is The End TNT. It’s dangerous.
Up until now, if you have experienced considerable lag, you just don’t have a very good computer. This is the first TNT that just takes a minute to explode. For this TNT and anything bigger, there is a progress report in the chat so you know it’s still working.
This monstrosity can be crafted with 9 Doom TNTs.
The explosion is really really big. It is also 100% impossible to make a blast-resistant wall with any amount of Obsidian. Anything within the blast radius dies, end of story. I guess you would have had a hard time making a blast-resistant wall with any of the other ones too but it’s programmaticly impossible to protect yourself or anything else with this one.
This is a big huge explosion and all but it’s childs play compared to the TNTs more powerful than this.
5.Black Hole TNT
This is the Black Hole TNT.
The Black Hole TNT makes such a ridiculously big explosion that it makes anything before this look like child’s play. It is serious business.
This part is important: This TNT, as well as anything bigger can be configured to destroy bedrock or not destroy bedrock. To destroy bedrock, place this on top of a bedrock block. To not destroy bedrock, place this on top of something other than a bedrock block. If it is set to destroy bedrock, it will destroy ALL bedrock within the bounds of the blast.
This behemoth can be crafted with 9, count’em, 9 End TNTs.
The explosion, to combat lag a bit, makes a square crater and not a round or circular one. Without making it square, it would take nearly 32GB of ram to explode. With a square crater, it takes no more system resources than the End TNT or Doom TNT.
As you can see, the hole is really big. You can’t see the other end. It is a 1000×1000 crater.
Guess what though? It still isn’t the biggest one.
More to come…
System Requirements:
To play this mod, you need to be using Minecraft 1.12.2. Forge also has to be installed.
In order to prevent your game from crashing, you should probably use at least -Xmx3G for your launch arguments but I recommend -Xmx8G if you have the ram for it. This mod does take less ram than the 1.7.2 version and lags less but it still helps to have a good computer and have java properly set up.
Note that the “No” TNT and the Anti-Dimensional Singularity TNT need at least 8GB (recommended 32GB for the “No” TNT) to not crash and it will take a long time to explode. The Black Hole TNT takes a long time if you don’t have a good computer. Everything else is reasonable and barely lags on reasonable machines.
How to install:
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Super TNT Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.2
Forge version: Download from server 2
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2