Backpack Mods
Backpack Mods introduce to the game many variations of the backpack item, one that can help enlarge players’ storage on the move.
Backpacker Mod 1.16.4 implements into the game a plethora of backpacks, which functions as a mini chest...
60,781 views ❘ June 6, 2020
Smart Backpacks Mod 1.12.2 adds backpacks of varying sizes that can be upgraded with various upgrades....
6,705 views ❘ June 6, 2020
Bauble Shulker Boxes Mod 1.12.2 is a simple yet powerful addon for Baubles that allows to wear Shulker...
Backpacks Mod (1.12.2, 1.10.2) adds craftable backpacks into the game that really improve inventory management....
246,258 views ❘ September 16, 2019
Iron Backpacks Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 deals with portable storage and item manipulation through tiered backpacks...
Better Chests Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 adds chests to minecraft, that are better than normal chests because...
15,268 views ❘ April 3, 2019
Extended Inventory Mod 1.12.2 is a new modification on a backpack with an unusual crafting. And with...
10,049 views ❘ June 2, 2017
Super BackPack Mod 1.10.2 adds giant backpack that has the largest number of slots to Minecraft. Screenshots: Crafting...
197,975 views ❘ September 11, 2016
Backpacks Mod 1.8, 1.7.10 is a simple mod which adds backpacks into Minecraft. Recipes and Guides: So,...
428,246 views ❘ August 11, 2016
Adventure Backpack Mod (1.7.10) adds 60-something new backpacks to the game, with the ability to store...
106,887 views ❘ August 5, 2016
More Backpacks Mod is an addon for Forestry, and adds a bunch of new backpacks, each on crafted just...
13,693 views ❘ June 23, 2016
Expandable Backpacks mod adds upgradeable backpacks to the game. Screenshots: Contents: Crafting Recipes: Recommend...