Finding Maps
Finding Maps take players on a scavenger hunt to find the assigned objects while overcoming special circumstances.
2,078 views ❘ October 6, 2019
An Advanced Find the Button is a finding map created by OutrageXZ. Find the Button is a game where the...
4,341 views ❘ October 6, 2019
Spring for Castle is a finding map created by Clubmantic. This is a small fortress castle mini-game with...
943 views ❘ October 4, 2019
The Easter Story is a finding map created by William_O. This is an FTB (Find the Button) map that tells...
2,440 views ❘ October 2, 2019
Scenarios is a finding map which was created by Iwritemystery. Scenarios is a Find the Button map. It...
6,397 views ❘ August 14, 2019
The 10 Buttons is a finding map created by Aidan P. This is a find the button map created for Minecraft...
2,196 views ❘ August 5, 2019
Find the Button: Power of the Dark Side is a finding map created by Starwarschamp4. This is a find the...
3,419 views ❘ July 25, 2019
The Abandoned House is a finding map created by GhostHunter10. Unlike typical finding maps, this one...
938 views ❘ July 24, 2019
The Blockside Hotel is a finding map created by Drewkmon and mysterio411. This is a map for Minecraft...
2,184 views ❘ July 23, 2019
The Big 15 is a finding map created by TheMinionMaker. This map is sort of a sequel to the creator’s...
10,497 views ❘ July 15, 2019
Trion II: Find The Button is a finding map created by Shyphoenix01. The map pool this one presents is...
886 views ❘ June 22, 2019
Find the Button: Seasons is a finding map created by MakyGames. As the title indicates, in this map,...
3,816 views ❘ June 16, 2019
FTB: Classic is a finding map created by Dohezitos. Simply put, this is my map to find the button, the...
2,091 views ❘ May 19, 2019
SuperFurious Find the Button is a finding map created by Squirrelette. The objective is as simple as...
876 views ❘ May 13, 2019
The Christmas Story is a finding map created by William_O. This is a short Find the Button Christmas...
820 views ❘ May 11, 2019
12 Levels of Lovely Find the Button is a finding map created by PCHELEK. As the name blatantly suggests,...