Minecraft 1.9.4 Maps
A list of Minecraft 1.9.4 Maps developed by the Minecraft community.
8,163 views ❘ September 1, 2016
Chunk World map contains 32 buildings, fitting within 15×15 blocks and 5 wall designs. Screenshots: Download...
7,219 views ❘ September 1, 2016
Year 2107, Gravity Map. You are Mark Clarke, a computer engineer. Your ship is in distress and you need...
8,969 views ❘ August 31, 2016
This an awesome map where you have a working TV in Minecraft, and you can change the channels, and basically...
874 views ❘ August 29, 2016
Welcome to The Rotator Map – A puzzle-parkour adventure map based on rotating space itself! This...
2,688 views ❘ August 24, 2016
Welcome to horror map “One Day Map”… There is one level in total. One village, one...
1,238 views ❘ August 24, 2016
Malbona’s Darkness World Map! Your village was attacked and all of the villagers have been turned...
1,112 views ❘ August 23, 2016
Welcome to my new puzzle/sandbox map, Turing Programmer Map! In this map, you will use a language of...
1,356 views ❘ August 22, 2016
Lazr Map is not super duper crazy advanced! It is more of a concept I wanted to build in between larger...
3,378 views ❘ August 22, 2016
The best way to get comfortable with Chunky is to play with all the different features. For more updates...
794 views ❘ August 22, 2016
Puzzle Book Map! Stepping in a book may not be a best idea. But stepping inside a book with puzzle is...
1,429 views ❘ August 19, 2016
Jump Around Map is a parkour map that i created by watching some of my favorite youtubers. Challenge...
1,270 views ❘ August 19, 2016
Running off of vanilla commands and a resource pack filled with custom models, Chasm Depths Map offers...