The Mysterious East Map
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May 12, 2021
About The Mysterious East Map
The Mysterious East Map is a detailed map based on the cultures of China, Japan and Tibet!
Features: Some of the features of this map include
- Custom mobs
- Custom texture pack
- Incredible landscapes
- Side missions given by NPC’s
- Cohesive storyline
- 6 bosses (4 of which are hidden)
- Custom items to reflect the map
- Command block magic!
The Mysterious East Map Screenshots:
Yazhou Ocean
Xifang Village
Utsukushi Forest
Porcelain Cliffs
Samsara Forest
Sunyata Tree
Wuqing Imperial Palace
Courtyard inside of Wuqing Palace
- The Texture Pack that comes with this map is REQUIRED, seriously Pikimon had to make a custom texture pack to make a lot of stuff impossible to make otherwise.
- Make sure to have this map set on either Easy, Normal or Hard. If you put this map on peaceful all the mobs will de-spawn and the map will be less interesting than a walk through the museum of socks.
- This map is heavy on command blocks, make sure they work for you before you play
- This map is made for Survival
- Do not break blocks (that includes item frames)
- Map is designed for 1-3 players
- Firespread must be OFF (IMPORTANT)
- Don’t trade with villagers, it’s not you can anyways emeralds are non-existant in this map and using them is a bit redundant with the supplies that are give
Although the spawn mechanism in the beginning (through command blocks) ensures that these settings are installed automatically these are some of the settings that are in this map. This can be done with /gamerule [rule] [true/false] if the setting is not installed
- CommandBlockOutput – false
- doFireTick – false
- doMobLoot – false
- doMobSpawning – false
- doTileDrops – false
- keepInventory – true
- mobGriefing – false
Texture Pack: Mysterious East Resource Pack
Download links for The Mysterious East Map:
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