The Speedrunner Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2)
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May 10, 2023
Welcome to The Speedrunner Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2).
- Speedrunner tools, armor and weapons. All better than iron, but worse than diamond. However, it’s faster than both iron and diamond.
- Speedrunner Ingots, blocks, nuggets and ores. They’re all just about as common, if not more common, than iron stuff.
- Speedrunner bow, crossbow, shears, flint and steel, and shield. All better than the default weapons and tools.
- Golden Speedrunner tools, armor and weapons. Better than gold, and faster than all tools. Wearing this armor will also protect the player from piglins.
- Eye of Inferno: points to the nearest nether fortress OR bastion, your choice.
- Eye of Annul: points and gives the exact location of the nearest stronghold.
- Igneous Rocks: an ore that can be found underground that can be used to craft obsidian.
- Speedrunner Bulk: a rareish food item that gives a bunch of positive potion effects.
- Rotten Speedrunner Bulk: the worst food item in the mod. Just don’t eat it.
- A new villager profession called the “Retired Speedrunner”, which sells extremely overpowered items such as enchanted books, potions, etc., for extremely low prices. The workstation for this profession is a Speedrunner Block.
- Fully configurable with different modes and options.
- Structures of almost all types generate more commonly (configurable).
- Biomes such as plains, deserts, and savannas generate more commonly (configurable).
- Certain blocks can be broken faster (configurable).
- Built-in auto reset button to make creating worlds faster and easier on the title screen, pause screen and death screen (configurable).
- Built-in “iCarus Mode” and “Infini-Pearl Mode”. Upon world creation, iCarus mode will grant the player with an unbreakable Elytra and a stack of flight duration 3 firework rockets, and infini pearl mode will grant the player with an ender pearl that does not get consumed or do damage upon use.
- Piglin bartering is extremely overpowered.
- Piglin Brutes don’t spawn naturally.
- Strongholds and Nether Fortresses generate differently, but in a good way. The strongholds are very small, making libraries and portals rooms way easier to find. Multiple portal rooms can also generate in a single stronghold, along with up to 4 libraries, and multiple blaze spawners can generate in a singular nether fortress.
- Golden food items (golden steak, porkchop, bread, etc.).
- Piglins drop food, which is called “Piglin Pork”.
- Mobs and animals drop x3 more of what they normally drop, making collecting resources much easier.
- Blazes always drop blaze rods, and they also drop gold blocks and fire charges, and cannot try melee attacks anymore.
- Blaze rods, blaze powder and fire charges are immune to fire.
- Enderman always drop ender pearls.
- Players takes less fall damage. Lava and fire also do less damage.
- Nether gold ore drops more golden nuggets.
- Loot tables of almost all types have been buffed to be close to overpowered.
- The Ender Dragon has less health and does less damage to players.
- The Ender Dragon will automatically perch within 30 seconds of entering the end. This time can be changed via the mod’s options, and the time can be set anywhere from 21-90 seconds, or it can be turned off completely, and the dragon will perch on it’s own time.
- Mobs are weaker in terms of health, speed and attack damage.
- Players take less time to gain breath after being underwater for a long period of time.
- Nether portals can be built with both obsidian and crying obsidian.
- Ender Eyes (including eyes of inferno and annul) never break.
- Sticks can be crafted into oak planks.
- Furnaces smelt certain ores and food at an extremely fast rate.
- Rotten flesh can now be cooked into cooked flesh. Zombies, drowned, husks, etc. will also drop cooked flesh if they die by fire or lava.
- Diamonds, lapis and ancient debris generate more commonly (configurable).
- Ender pearls only do 1 heart of damage upon use.
- Sheep give more wool when sheared.
- Wool can be used to craft string.
- Vexes cannot clip through walls and take fall damage.
- Mob spawner blocks will spawn mobs at a faster rate, and this is configurable.
- Magma cube spawners have been replaced with blaze spawners in treasure bastions.
- Slime and Magma Cubes take longer to jump and make an attack.
- Players can see further under lava with fire resistance.
- End Crystals will do an extremely high amount of damage to the Ender Dragon if they are connected.
- Speedrunner Boots allow the player to move faster in lava and water.
- The “Java Edition” text is replaced with “Speedrunner Edition”.
- Ores drop more experience when mined with the fortune enchantment. Mob spawner blocks also do the same and drop more experience with or without fortune.
- Hostile mobs drop more experience when killed with the looting enchantment.
- Looting, Fire Aspect and Knockback can be applied to axes.
- Totems of Undying give Fire Resistance for 2 minutes upon use.
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For Minecraft 1.18.2
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For Minecraft 1.19.4
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