Tree Feller Data Pack 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Realistic Tree Chopping in Minecraft)
Tree Feller Data Pack 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds a convenient mechanic into the world of Minecraft Vanilla. The pack gives you the ability to quickly tear down trees with just one single swing. All you need to do is chopped down the bottom block and the whole tree will quickly fall soon. The pack is multiplayer friendly so feel free to try out with your friends. Download the pack from the link below and enjoy the game.
– Any tree of any shape can be chopped down in one pass, leaves will also be taken down.
– Custom leaf decay (if randomTickSpeed is set to false) which will randomly destroy decayable leaf blocks.
– Axe Debuff per material type, so it isn’t overpowered and takes a while to chop down trees.
– Sneaking allows the player to chop a single block down, instead of the whole tree, no debuffs are applied.
– 2 trigger settings to customize the custom leaf decay speed and to use debuffs or not. Set to 0 to turn off completely and let randomTickSpeed do that.*
o /trigger tf_leaf_decay set <0-50>
o /trigger tf_debuff_tools set <0-1>
Multiplayer Settings:
* If you want to run this on a multiplayer server, but don’t want non-admins to run these, change the file in the zip file in hv/functions/update/trigger_settings.mcfunction
Add a hashtag in front of every line, or delete all the contents and save it.
– And run: /reload
– This should make all the triggers useless and not do anything.
– If you still want to change the settings. use (for leaf decay speed):
/scoreboard players set $HV_SETTING hv_lk_count <0-50>
and (for using tool debuffs):
/scoreboard players set $HV_SETTING hv_dt_enable <0-1>
How to Install:
Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs
Tree Feller Data Pack 1.16.5, 1.15.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.14.x to 1.15.x
For Minecraft 1.16.x