Unique Commands Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) adds a collection of innovative commands to Minecraft, each designed to improve gameplay and provide new functionalities. From managing player inventories to customizing game settings, this mod offers a wide range of commands that cater to different aspects of the game. It is a versatile addition that enhances control and creativity, making it an essential tool for players and server admins alike.


Inventory Management:

  • /sortinventory: Automatically sorts the player’s inventory, organizing items by type and category.
  • /clearinventory <player> [item]: Clears the specified item from a player’s inventory, or clears the entire inventory if no item is specified.

Time and Weather Control:

  • /settime <day|night|dawn|dusk>: Instantly changes the time of day.
  • /weathercycle <clear|rain|thunder>: Changes the weather conditions in the game.

Teleportation and Movement:

  • /teleport <player> <destination>: Teleports a player to a specified location or another player.
  • /spawnpoint <player> [coordinates]: Sets the spawn point for a player at the specified coordinates or the current location if none are provided.

Game Customization:

  • /setdifficulty <peaceful|easy|normal|hard>: Changes the game difficulty.
  • /gamerule <rule> <value>: Changes the value of a game rule (e.g., keepInventory, mobGriefing).

Player Interaction:

  • /heal <player>: Fully restores a player’s health and hunger.
  • /feed <player>: Fully restores a player’s hunger bar.

Creative Utilities:

  • /give <player> <item> [amount]: Gives a specified item and quantity to a player.
  • /summon <entity> [coordinates]: Summons an entity at specified coordinates.


  • /sortinventory: Organizes the items in your inventory.

Example: /sortinventory

  • /clearinventory <player> [item]: Clears a player’s inventory or a specific item.

Example: /clearinventory Steve diamond_sword

  • /settime <day|night|dawn|dusk>: Changes the time of day.

Example: /settime day

  • /weathercycle <clear|rain|thunder>: Changes the weather.

Example: /weathercycle rain

  • /teleport <player> <destination>: Teleports a player.

Example: /teleport Alex 100 64 -200

  • /spawnpoint <player> [coordinates]: Sets a player’s spawn point.

Example: /spawnpoint Steve 100 64 -200

  • /setdifficulty <peaceful|easy|normal|hard>: Changes the game difficulty.

Example: /setdifficulty hard

  • /gamerule <rule> <value>: Sets a game rule.

Example: /gamerule keepInventory true

  • /heal <player>: Heals a player.

Example: /heal Alex

  • /feed <player>: Feeds a player.

Example: /feed Steve

  • /give <player> <item> [amount]: Gives an item to a player.

Example: /give Steve diamond_sword 1

  • /summon <entity> [coordinates]: Summons an entity.

Example: /summon zombie 100 64 -200


  • uniquecommands.sortinventory: Allows the use of the /sortinventory command.
  • uniquecommands.clearinventory: Permits the use of the /clearinventory command.
  • uniquecommands.settime: Allows the use of the /settime command.
  • uniquecommands.weathercycle: Permits the use of the /weathercycle command.
  • uniquecommands.teleport: Allows the use of the /teleport command.
  • uniquecommands.spawnpoint: Permits the use of the /spawnpoint command.
  • uniquecommands.setdifficulty: Allows the use of the /setdifficulty command.
  • uniquecommands.gamerule: Permits the use of the /gamerule command.
  • uniquecommands.heal: Allows the use of the /heal command.
  • uniquecommands.feed: Permits the use of the /feed command.
  • uniquecommands.give: Allows the use of the /give command.
  • uniquecommands.summon: Permits the use of the /summon command.
  • uniquecommands.admin: Grants full access to all commands and administrative controls.


Minecraft Forge

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Unique Commands Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.20.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.20.6

Forge version: Download from Server 1

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