VanillaFoodPantry Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (More Recipes, Better Storage for Food)
VanillaFoodPantry Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (VFP for short) adds new uses for standard Minecraft crops and farm animals. We’ve tried to give many vanilla items, even odd-ball ones like poisonous potatoes, new food-related use and therefore a reason for you to keep it. A few items even work as alternate sources of brewing ingredients such as spidereye and magma cream. VFP also gives you more ways to store standard foods and potions in bulk, as you might in a real-world extended pantry.
New Items Sampling:
Sampling of different new foods
Target Audience:
The mod’s target audience is anyone who plays Minecraft for its farms and food crafting, particularly if you play in peaceful or easy modes and could use alternate sources of experience points (Xp) besides mining. This mod lets you gain experience points from the act of making food. If you like crafting non-trivial food recipes, this mod is for you. A good companion mod for VFP would be “Hunger In Peace” (1.8.9+); both add hunger to the peaceful survival mode, allowing you to farm, mine, and build unmolested by murderous mobs.
Getting Started – User Guide:
You should read the sections below to get an idea of how the mod is structured and how the food recipes are designed so you can plan how to integrate VFP with your existing resources and game setup. Use the various images below along with an extension like JEI (MC1.8.9+) to get the full catalogue of recipes.
Additives and Activators:
Additives and activators are little helper or agent ingredients, you need for the main food recipes. Agent ingredients are rarely edible but serve to make the various recipes unique and non-conflicting with other food mods. Most of the time they also make the recipes a teensy bit more realistic. You will need to figure out how to farm for and craft the main agent ingredients before you can complete most of the mod’s other recipes. But unless you’re just starting out, you probably have most of the required ingredients stashed somewhere (check those junk chests).
Below is a simple schematic of how the basic recipe pipeline works: you craft agents(1) for use in basic ingredient recipes(2). Those basic ingredients are the main building blocks for the majority of actual food stuffs(3) you make to consume.
The basic VFP recipe pipeline
Flour and Dough:
Most of the baked goods in the mod require flour or dough. Our flour is made from crafting wheat with some drying agent and our simple dough is made from crafting flour, leavening, and a bit o’ water. VFP will also work with any other food mod’s flour and dough provided those items are registered under the “foodFlour” and “foodDough” ids in the Forge registry. Most of the recipes using dough or flour create raw or unbaked items that you must smelt to get the final edible product; this is intentional as it lets you gain Xp if you smelt batches of sufficient size.
Our flour requires some wheat and drying agent.
Our dough requires flour, leavening, and a bit o’ water.
Using a bucket of milk as a substitute for a small amount of milk in something like a bread recipe is odd. Moreover, items like steaks and pork-chops are a pretty expensive way to make a single sandwich considering you have to kill a cow or pig just to get a couple pieces of it. VFP uses the idea of portions in many of its recipes to allow you to combine less expensive resources (like wheat and vegetables) with more expensive ones (like anything that requires clobbering animals) to make equal or more nutritious food than those items standalone.
Liquids, 3 sizes.
Meats and bones, 2 sizes
Food Powders:
Food powders are dehydrated portions of items like pumpkins, melons, and milk. Most food powders derive from a single source item, but some are compound powders and some are crafted from multiple source items. Food powders are central to many of the multi-flavored VFP foods like gelos, milk drinks, and cream soups where you use a food powder to create a “flavored” variant of a base recipe. There is a food powder for just about every standard food item and food powders for other items for which VFP has introduced a new food-related use. Some VFP sub-mods provide many new compound powders called “mixes” for even more recipes.
Bits O’ Heat:
A lot of the VFP recipes require you to smelt (or “cook”) an uncooked version of the final food so you can gain Xp. However, VFP also has many recipes that are smelt-free where you convert uncooked items to a final cooked, edible item straight on the crafting table. To add a tiny dose of reality that the ingredients for more complex recipes are cooked and not magically converted, you will need to add a bit o’ heat as an ingredient on the crafting table. Like the portions of water or milk, a bit o’ heat is obtained from a larger source, in this case a bucket of lava or another fuel.
A bucket of lava gives you 64 bits o’ heat.
Example: using a bit o’ heat in the recipe for broth on a crafting table.
Batch Crafting with Liquids:
The standard Minecraft milk bucket, water bucket, and water bottles are not stackable which makes them a pain-in-the-tuckus for crafting large batches of any recipe that uses them. The vanilla “water bottle” isn’t even really a water bottle — it’s water meant for brewing purposes (a potion bottle) that food mods tend to use because it’s readily available.
Painful. Make only ONE gelo at a time using a potion bottle.
VFP’s addresses the stacking issue in two ways: first, by using portions like bit o’ water and bottles of milk, we avoid this problem in many of our recipes; second, we’ve included an actual bottle of water item that you can drink from, stack in inventories, and use as a foundation for flavored drinks like fizzy drinks and teas. To force VFP recipes that need a bottle of water to accept either type of water bottle (if possible), change the ‘allow_potionitem_as_plain_water’ configuration option to TRUE.
Not painful. Make a stack of gelos at once if you please!
Rock Salt and Natron (Sodium Bicarbonate)
VFP adds a couple of new “ores” to the standard Minecraft game. The main new ore is called rock salt and you use it to create refined salt for use in food preparation. You get rock salt crystals when you mine a rock salt block. Each crystal crafts to six large refined salt portions which you use directly in recipes for salted meats. Most other recipes use an even smaller portion, a bit o’ salt, which you get from the larger portion.
Refined salt is used to craft items like salted pork (ham), salted cod, and taffy.
Two secondary ores, natron and trona, are also generated by VFP but in lesser quantities to rock salt; from both you can obtain sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) and from natron you get a variant of drying agent that you can use for dehydrating large amounts of cooked meats for storage.
Baking soda is used to craft items like frying batter mix and carbonated water.
New Mob Drops
VFP adds some new animal drops to the standard Minecraft game. The VFP animal drops will add to the regular drops for the large farm mobs like pigs and cows, and will introduce something new for bats, squid, wolves, horses, llamas, and even polar bears. If you can actually catch the little buggers, bats will give you bat meat, small bones, and even guano for fertilizing your crops (yes, bat poop) . Harvesting pigs will give you new meat items for your pantry and you can enable meat drops from horses as well.
Example: pigs drop hocks and pigtails, calves drop stomach lining and small bones.
Example: horses drop meat and tears, bats drop meat and poop.
Item Sorters for Mob Drops:
If you have existing farms for animals like chickens and pigs, with item sorters already attached, you might need to account for the new drops in your filters. For chickens you have to account for small bones, for pigs many of the new drops like pig tails and hocks.
Pantry Storage
In addition to the new foods, VFP adds several new ways to extend how much food you can store in a small-footprint storage system (or just a few chests if that’s as complex as you get). Our storage items are not custom inventory containers like chests or dispensers. Instead they rely exclusively on the same craft-based mechanism as the standard Minecraft storage blocks with some new composite types that address the built-in size limits of the 3×3 crafting grid.
First, VFP defines storage blocks for many of the new items that you’re likely to produce in large batches, the best way to gain as much Xp as possible. These storage blocks, called pantry blocks, are designed as an easy and portable store for food ingredients and not as a material for building with even though you can can place them like any other block. If you break a pantry block by hand or with a tool, it will shatter and drop its constituent items. If you try to push a pantry block with a piston, it will break and drop its items.
Second, VFP lets you craft jars, bags, and cartons of standard food items. Each bag or jar is crafted from eight (8) of the item you want to store. A carton is crafted from 6-8 bags or jars for a total of at least 48 of the original item per carton. There are predefined bags and cartons for many of the items you can accumulate in large quantities over time if you have a farm or two; items like carrots, potatoes, sugarcane, and eggs. There are bags and cartons for all of the standard raw and cooked meats like chicken, beef, and mutton. Jars are used for liquid items like ink sacs from a squid farm. There are also bags and cartons for bulk crafted vanilla food items like bread, pies, and cookies. We even have bags and cartons for mob drops like bones and rotten flesh.
Player Achievements and Experience:
VFP defines its own set of achievements so you have more incentive to try crafting its whole range of food and pantry recipes. The final set of achievements is still not defined completely, so you’ll see some placeholders icons with the “eek” icon.
Regardless of the final count and composition, all of our achievements originate with the single action of creating one of the main VFP additives items. From there it’s just a matter of crafting, smelting, and brewing your way to each new achievement.
: Placeholder icon for upcoming or sub-module achievement.
Experience Points (XP):
When you craft many of the VFP recipes, you will often receive Xp orbs in addition to the output item. This is an addition to other ways in vanilla Minecraft to get Xp: smelting, mining, breeding-animals, and killing mobs. Note that you will not get Xp every time you craft an item, and you’re more likely to receive Xp for larger batches of identical items (shift-click to receive the full batch at once). Finally, items you’re likely to create often like drying agent, give you less Xp that items made less frequently.
Super-Compatibility Mode:
VanillaFoodPantry adds lots of new recipes to the game. If you play with many other food mods, it’s likely that one of two of our basic recipes will overlap with another mod and use the same ingredients for different outcomes. If you encounter this problem, you can turn on the “super compatibility mode” option in the VFP configuration file which is generated the first time you run Minecraft with VFP loaded. This option tells VFP to make its required base recipes unique by using at least one mod-specific item in them. We do not activate this mode automatically because it makes the recipes more complex and many will no longer fit on the player’s portable 2×2 crafting grid.
Example: Crafting Bits o’ Water
Simplest recipe for 32 bits o’ water: a bucket of water (default).
The same, in super-compatibility mode, requires a bit-measure.
Third-Party Mod Support and Mod-Packs:
VFP has supported these mods:
- Up-sizer
- Smart Hoppers
- Super Blocks and Buckets
- Pinkly Sheep
- TNT Potatoes
Upsizer Mod (Recommend)
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
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